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Marc Weidenbaum Leaves Viz
Anime News Network reports that Vice President of Original Publishing Marc Weidenbaum is no longer with the company. In addition to his position as Vice President of Original Publishing, Weidenbaum served as Editor-in-Chief of both Shonen Jump and Shojo Beat.
Weidenbaum originally became Editor-in-Chief of Shonen Jump and Shojo Beat in 2006, after Yumi Hoashi, the acting Editor-in-Chief at the time, left Viz to work for Konami.
Weidenbaum revealed Viz's original content initiative at New York Comic Con 2008. The program would focus on creator-owned content, and allow Viz to publish these works in North America and other territories. The first round of portfolio reviews for the program were held at San Diego Comic Con 2008. Viz hopes to restart the program in 2010.