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Udon To Publish Silent Mobius
Udon Entertainment announced that they will publish a "remastered" version of Kia Asamiya's Silent Möbius. Udon's translation will feature a new translation and will use the original right-to-left orientation. Three additional volumes that never saw an English release will be published under Udon's banner: Silent Möbius tales, which ran for two volumes, and Silent Möbius Klein, a prequel to the main story. New scans of Asamiya's original artwork will also be included.
Silent Mobius ran in Comic Dragon magazine from 1991-2003. The manga spawned an anime series, which ran between April and September 1998. Viz originally released Silent Möbius in America in monthly issues, which were later compiled into standard volumes. The Viz release did not include Silent Mobius Klein or Silent Mobius Tales.
Bandai currently holds the rights to the Silent Möbius anime series and films.