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Crest Of The Stars In Review
When Crest of the Stars (Seikai no Monsho) was originally released in Japan back in 1999, the 13 episode TV series was well received - so well received in fact, that a new sequel has been released each following year. Seeing the potential for an extension of that success into the US market, Bandai acquired the rights to the original series and is now in the process of releasing Crest of the Stars in North America. Does the series have what it takes to make an impact in the States though? Bahamut and I have differing opinions on the matter, so we've both put up our reviews on the first volume of the series. Bahamut presents a more pessimistic take on Crest of the Star's merit, while I found the series quite entertaining, and well worth the time for sci-fi fans looking for a character driven space opera. Read my review of Crest of the Stars DVD 1 here and Bahamut's review of the first disc in the series here, then decide for yourself.
While Crest of the Stars is only now seeing its released on this side of the Pacific, the third TV series, Seikai no Senki II (translated as Battle Flag of the Stars II), is currently being televised in Japan. Having started its broadcast run back on July 11th, this new series features Jinto and Lafiel returning as the leading characters. Take a peek at a collection of character shots from Seikai no Senki II:

Should Crest of the Stars do well in the States, I imagine the chances of the follow up series getting picked up for US distribution is fairly good. In the mean time, however, listen to both the opening and closing songs from Crest of the Stars in the real audio section. You can also look forward to a review of the second volume of the series shortly, as well as a collection of screen shots.