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Viz Gets Ikki
Publishers Weekly revealed that Viz will launch an online version of Shogakukan's Ikki magazine. Viz will use Ikki to promote and launch new manga titles. They will then use the data to gauge interest in print editions for the titles online.
In addition to manga chapters, Ikki will contain content from the Japanese version of the magazine. Behind-the-scenes material, such as creator interviews will also be a part of the online publication.
Ikki will launch with the first chapter of Daisuke Igarashi's Children of the Sea, as well as an interview with Igarashi. Q Hayashida's Dorohedoro and Natsume Ono's House of Five Leaves will be added at a later date. Currently, a launch date is unknown for the service.
In Japan, Ikki is a manga magazine aimed primarily at the young-adult male audience. Ikki specializes in underground and niche manga titles, though several titles that ran in the magazine became mainstream hits. Particular examples include Bokurano and Ride Back, which both received anime adaptations.