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Updated: Aniplex Promotes Kannagi In The West
Updates Begin For Kannagi Site
Aniplex announced that they will add content to their Kannagi page every Thursday. The company dubs the weekly updates "Worship Me Thursdays" (I'm not making this up).
The site is now live, with information on the series' story and cast, as well as a streaming version of the series' Japanese TV spot.
Aniplex announced that they will launch an English-language verion of the "Official Nagi-sama Fan Club", to promote Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens. Currently, the site is a black background with a counter that registers the number of hits on both the American and Japanese versions of the site. Aniplex promises updates, and incentives for fans in the near future.
Currently, Aniplex has no plans to release Kannagi in the west, nor have they announced a licensee for the series.