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4Kids Removes Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! from YouTube
4Kids has confirmed that they were required remove all the streaming Japanese-language episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters from YouTube. In their words, "these Japanese-language episodes will not be seen in any format (online, DVDs, VOD, etc.) moving forward" due to a rights issue in Japan. The American English-language version of the same series is still available.
Along with this, 4Kids announced that it will begin streaming unedited Japanese episodes of Sonic X with English subtitles on Hulu in the near future. Likewise, they will be bringing English-subtitled Japanese-language episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D to YouTube this fall. 4Kids stated that the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters' rights issue does not affect the English versions of the series or related works.