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Sentai Acquires Another, Listen To Me Girls. I Am your Father!
Sentai Filmworks announced that they acquired the rights to two new anime titles. The company nabbed the domestic licenses to Another and Listen To Me Girls. I Am Your Father! Both titles will be released initially through digital outlets, with DVD and Blu-Ray releases planned for release later this year.
Another is based on the horror novel of the same name by Yukito Ayatsuji. The series features character designs by Yuriko Ishii (Persona: Trinity Soul).
Listen To Me Girls. I Am Your Father! is [a show for creepers] based on Tomohiro Matsu's series of novels of the same name. The series is directed by Itsuro Kawasaki (Licensed by Royalty, Arc the Lad), and features character designs by Takashi Mamezuka (Eden of the East, Infinite Stratos).