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Upcoming soundtrack releases and news
Tis the season to release soundtracks, it would seem.
The .hack series is seeing a number of CD releases for Yuki Kajiura's compositions, two of which were released just today - the .hack//SIGN Original Sound and Song Track 2 and .hack//Liminality Original Soundtrack. They will retail for 2,900 and 3,000 yen, respectively. The first run of the second SIGN OST will come in a collector's box meant to house the first and second soundtracks from SIGN, the OST for Liminality, as well as another upcoming release for the series, the .hack//Extra Soundtracks, which is set for a release of October 23 at 2,200 yen. Further details and Real Audio samples are available at Victor's site for the series, located here.
In other Yuki Kajiura news, her band See-Saw will be performing the opening and ending themes for the upcoming Gundam SEED. The single for the songs will be released on October 23 at 1,110 yen. The new Gundam series will begin airing on October 5.
Also released today by Victor was the Original Sound Score (1) for Sunrise's Witch Hunter Robin, which is currently airing on Japanese television. The retail price is set at 2,900 yen. As usual, further information on the disc and samples can be found at Victor's site for the series, here.
Next up, the Anime News Network has reported that in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the original Macross series, three soundtracks will be released in November and December. Macross: The Tribute and Mari Iigima sings Lynn Minmay will be released on November 7, and the Macross Song Collection is set for December 4.
Also mentioned on the Anime News Network, it appears that U.S. pop star Mariah Carey's song "Through the Rain" will be used for the new You're Under Arrest as the theme song. Whether that is the opening, closing, or neither was not specified.
Last, CLAMP's series Chobits has a few upcoming releases, including two drama OSTs and a "picture-book" CD, but most notable is the second Original Soundtrack which will be released on the second of October at a retail price of 2,900 yen. Victor's site for the series, with a lone sample for the OST and sparse details, may be found here.