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Pioneer USA Soundtrack Blitz
Pioneer Entertainment USA has announced several new titles for release in the coming months, including a large number of anime soundtracks in the summer.
The following will see a release on July 1, 2003, all at an MSRP of $14.98.
Hellsing Original Soundtrack - composed by Yasushi Ishii. This release appears to be equivalent to the Japanese release of the first soundtrack, Raid. The second soundtrack, Ruin, was not announced.
Serial Experiments Lain Original Soundtrack - composed by Reichi Nakaido. Again, this appears to be identical to a previous Japanese release of the soundtrack. The liner notes will contain notes from Ueda Yasuyuki on the show.
Yoko Ishida's Sweets. Though not an anime soundtrack per se, this domestic release of Ishida's last album (just released this past February in Japan), contains a number of tracks from anime shows, including the opening to Ai Yori Aoshi.
Chobits Original Soundtrack - composed by Keitaro Takanami. The album will include the ending theme, as well as a mix of the opening.
Yuki Kajiura's Fiction. In a rather surprising move, Pioneer's site states this compilation album will be released in the U.S. before its Japanese release. (Though, it appears the album has not be announced for Japanese release yet, as there is no mention of it on Victor Entertainment's M-Serve site (Victor handles all of Kajiura's releases) or on Kajiura's personal site. The songs to be included are from the shows Noir ("Canta Per Me", "Salva Nos", "Lullaby"), .hack//SIGN ("Key of the Twilight", "Fake Wings", "Open Your Heart"), and select songs from Aquarian Age, which has not yet be released domestically. Pioneer's site states all of the songs are sung in English, though two of the Noir titles are notably Italian songs - presumably they will not be altered.
The following will be released August 5, 2003 at an MSRP of $14.98.
Haibaine Renmei Original Soundtrack - composed by Kou Otani. This album will be a release of the Japanese soundtrack entitled "Hanenone", released last December in Japan. The show, which has not yet be licensed for domestic release, is by the creator of Lain and Niea_7.
Mahoromatic Original Soundtrack - composed by Toshiro Masuda. The album appears to be an independent compilation by Pioneer USA, as it doesn't appear to corespond to any of the previous Mahoromatic releases. In addition to Masuda's score, normal and karoke versions of the opening and ending themes will be included.
The previously announced Ah! My Goddess, Armitage Dual Matrix , and Lupin III TV soundtracks are still scheduled for an April 8th domestic release.
More information on all of the above mentioned soundtracks can be found in the "Coming Soon" section of PioneerAnimation.com.