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AD Music Section Returns!
After a 2 month hiatus, AD music returns...And it's better than ever!
For most of you kids surfing AD, you've probably been through most of RPGFan. Anime Dream's new music section is modeled similar to RPGFan's music section. Though we do not have any MIDIs (yet) and we certainly don't have the Project Majestic Mix section, we DO have various Real Audio and Soundtracks. Under soundtracks, we have a load of Neon Genesis Evangelion soundtrack reviews, two Princess Mononoke reviews, two Sailor Moon reviews, and a Transformers The Movie review, all by yours truly. Sumire did a review for the first OSTs of Escaflowne and Gundam Wing. Shortly, expect major soundtrack updates for series' such as Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou, Serial Experiments Lain, and more reviews for different Sailor Moon and Evangelion CDs. Click here to go to soundtracks.
In various Real Audio, we have a couple songs from different series', and then we have a VERY large collection of Slayers music. Click here to go to various Real Audio.
And what for future subsections in music? There are a lot of options for us, but right now we are seriously considering a "lyrics" section containing romanji and English lyrics of all your favorite Anime theme songs! Also, a MIDI section should be in place eventually.