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Disney Says Sayonara to Avalon's Bandai Boys
Disney plans to close its Tokyo-based animation facility. The closure of the studio, which has turned out released like "The Tigger Movie" and "Piglet's Big Movie" will leave 103 animators and artists unemployed. Disney says that while they admire the quality coming from the Japanese studio, it is no longer financially support this branch.
According to Yahoo! Movies, Mamoru Oshii's Avalon has been rater R for violence, and will be released on home video in America in 2004 courtesy of Buena Vista.
Bandai has announced that it will be changing its distribution methods starting on January 1, 2004. At the moment, Bandai is using Pioneer for product distribution, as Viz was until last year. Without Pioneer's assistance, Bandai will be directly distributing its own product directly to retailers, which they hope will create a more intimate relationship with the retail community.