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Alderac Entertainment reports that it will begin to ship its card game based on Initial D on Monday, September 29. The game supposedly incorporates the strategy of a trading card game and the feel of the series its based on.
NBM has announced that it plans to publish and revive Lea Hernandez' Rumble Girls. Rumble Girls is one of the pioneer "American Manga" series that mixes science fiction, intrigue, romance, and celebrity watching all into one compact story. This release will be the first time that NBM has utilized a 5x7 format for its manga, and will have a suggested retail price of $9.95 US.
Anime Crash has announced that the Korean Ki Fighter Taerang will be its first title for release. Following in the traditions created by Yugiou (Yu-Gi-Oh!) and Dragon Ball, Taerang will not only appear on DVD, but will also see a TV run and toy merchandising, as well.