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Manga Section Opens!
Ok, so this is really Galus writing this update, but this section would have never come together so well without the time and efforts of Feena.
The new manga section is finally up, and it's comprised of two main sections, a manga section, and a raw manga section. The main difference between the two is that the manga section is the english translation releases of manga, and the raw manga section is for manga that is in pure japanese. I will be mostly working on the english section while Feena works mostly on the japanese, but don't be surprised to see updates in the future for the manga section by other editors as there is so much manga out there that we need all the help we can get!
The manga section has a place called reviews, which appears in the bottom left section for each manga. This section is where our reader's reviews go for the manga they love. As you may have noticed, all the review sections say "No Review Available", so that means we need those reader reviews to come in! If we don't have the manga you so love listed, then send us the title, author, genre, artist, publisher, date released, a short description of the manga, and a picture of the cover in the size 135 x 235 pixels if possible, and we'll add it! Any info you have on an english manga can be sent to me, Galus at bane3@home.com, or any info on japanese manga can be sent to Feena at ec_feena@hotmail.com.
Ok, enough with the talk, to see the manga section go here. A button to the manga section will be available on the main menu to the left shortly.