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Anime Dream Opens!
Well, after numerous launch dates, delays, and being compared to the infamous Working Designs, Anime Dream is now open. I hope everyone enjoys our little 'experiment'.
At launch today there will be nine sections, with a submissions page to be added very soon. If there is a demand for more sections, i.e. fan art, fan fics, etc., we'll look into what we can do. Anime Dream accepts just about anything from readers; reviews, news, pictures, movies, music, downloadables, links, and release dates.
Reviews will be accepted for both old and new series and video volumes. They can be done on domestics, imports, fansubs, dubs, subs, DVD, etc. Music, including both anime soundtracks and a sampling of j-pop and j-rock, is provided in a Real Audio format for your listening pleasure. Movies come in a variety of formats and range from openings and closings to music videos. Release Dates are the place to find out the date and pricing for upcoming domestic videos. The Anime Message Board is one medium for communicating with both staff and other anime fans. Downloads cater to all your technological otaku needs, offering wallpaper, desktop themes, WinAMP and ICQ skins, and various other things. Links are fairly self-explanatory and the About Us section is where you can learn a little more about the staff.
Our staff now numbers seven. ArchAngel will be handling submissions and a lot of the technical things concerning the site along with Ramza, who is in charge of the movies. Chrono did all our graphics and I'll find something else for him to do in between. Angel handles the pictures and does a bang up good job of it! Shinji is our lone reviewer for the time being and Omega Weapon handles our j-pop/j-rock section, along with contributing to the movies section.
A lot of people contributed to making all this possible. I'd first like to thank Rudo and the rest of the RPGFan staff for giving me the opportunity to do this and being extremely kind and supportive. Thanks to my staff for being so hard working. And last, I'd like to thank everyone who showed interest in us, creative criticisim, or just made fun of us.
Anime Dream can be found at http://www.rpgfan.com/animedream/. Enjoy.