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TOKYOPOP Announces New Survey and Third Rising Stars of Manga Competition
Ever wanted a voice in determining what manga title a company licenses next? TOKYOPOP returns with a second "WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE US TO LICENSE NEXT?" survey that will include 10 winners for a TOKYOPOP manga title. The first survey brought TOKYOPOP to license Fruits Basket, Saiyuki, and DNAngel.The survey ends January 31st of 2004. Head over here to fill out the survey.
Have a great idea for a new manga? TOKYOPOP is launching the New Year with a third Rising Stars of Manga competition. This time, they've upped the grand prize to $2,500. In addition to the prize money, the winners' works will be published in TOKYOPOP's third Rising Stars of Manga anthology. The grand prize winner will also be invited to sell their ideas to TOKYOPOP executives for the possible creation of a graphic novel series. Head over here for more details on rules, entry forms, etc. The contest ends on March 15th of 2004.