
Nukunuku (Former Staff) — February 9th, 2004 — 15:16
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Jack-of-all-trades: PRONUNCIATION jkv-ôltrdz NOUN Inflected forms: pl. jacks-of-all-trades (jks-) A person who can do many different kinds of work

I’ve found the above definition on the Yahoo online American Heritage dictionary. And for the following voice actress, it fits the description perfectly in every respect. This voice actress turned script writer and ADR director can not only do many different and often difficult aspects of anime dubbing, but do them exceptionally well. I mean, she can act, direct, write, and even sings too. You gotta see "Ai Yori Aoshi" for that! No matter which character she plays - it could be a cheerful cyberdoll maid, bimbo TV co-host, 6ft tall insurance claims adjuster, or a moody android with a dry sense of humor, and even animals - there isn’t a role this voice actress couldn’t handle. So who did I get to talk to this time that almost made me cross the bounds of sanity and enter the La-la Land?

Lia Sargent!!!

Yes!!! I got the one of the biggest names in the Anime dubbing community. And what an effort I had to put in. It took nearly a year just to reach her but I believe it was well worth the wait. And she responded to every question with detailed and yet humorous answers.

This humble staffer would like to extend his deepest appreciation to Lia for taking time off her busy schedules to answer all the questions. And a special thanks to Michelle Ruff for saving my butt once again.

Finally, the interview.