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Starting in May of this year, Viz will be heavily promoting the works of Rumiko Takahashi, creator of such Viz best-sellers as Ranma 1/2, Urusei Yatsura, Maison Ikkoku, and Inu-Yasha. Titles from many Takahashi series will be released that month, including manga and videos of Ranma and new collections of manga from Maison Ikkoku and Inu-Yasha.
May seems to be a busy month for Viz. They will be releasing a manga anthology titled Secret Comics Japan. Each were selected by Chikao Shiratori, the former editor of Garo, Japan's standard in underground manga since 1964. Secret Comics Japan is in b&w and should retail for $19.95 in the U.S. and $29.95 in Canada.
More Pokémon is on the way! Magical Pokémon Journey #3: Pokémon Holiday will include a free color poster. Pokémon Adventures Part 2, #4: Mission: Magmar! is based on the original Game Boy game. Each issue in this series contains an original cover by MATO which is exclusive to American audiences. It also includes free Pokémon stickers. It's issue #4 of 6. New color board books for children will also be released. Each book contains illustrations from a different artist.
Everyone is getting in on the Pokémon craze. Even voice actresses! Megumi Hayashibara, who did voice work for Evangelion, Slayers, Pokémon and Nadesico, and who also is a professional singer, wrote Jigglypuff's Magic Lullaby. And of course it involves Jigglypuff's dilemma about how it's singing makes everyone fall asleep. Hayashibara wrote the the story, while Kagemaru Himeno did the art.