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KatsuMasters of Narutofied Steam Scrambles
At the recently-ended Katsucon, John Sirabella of Media Blasters announced that the company has acquired the rights to several new series. Media Blasters has acquired the Oh My Goddess! television series, Genshiken, Hinotori, and Phantom. Release dates for the new acquisitions have not been announced yet.
DrMaster Publications, Inc. has announced that the company will be releasing English adaptations of Stellvia, Tsukihime, 888, Category Freak, Hinado Girls, Tori Koro, and Mani Girls.
Japan's TVTokyo has announced that it plans a global launch of the immensely popular television series, Naruto. The series is scheduled to air on Cartoon Network during prime time starting in September. A massive video game and toy merchandizing blitz is scheduled to coincide with Naruto's television debut.
The official Japanese Steamboy website has recently been updated with news of the film's New York premiere. Furthermore, several other film festivals around the globe that Steamboy will screen at have been listed.
Gonzo has announced that the company plans to adapt Murdock Scramble to animation. Murdock Scramble, a popular Japanese sci-fi novel, was created by To Ubukata, and won the SF Grand Prize in 2003. The novel has sold 160,000 copies that span three volumes in Japan. For this work, all of the characters will be rendered in full 3-dimensional CG... a first for the company. The work will be released in OVA format at the end of 2006.