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What to Expect From Cartoon Network
Currently, Cartoon Network has a 2 hour segment from 4-6PM EST called "Toonami". Right now, 3 out of 4 shows on there are Anime. Right now, this is how the listings go.
4:00 PM - Sailor Moon
4:30 PM - Reboot (a CG-animated show)
5:00 PM - Dragon Ball Z
5:30 PM - Ronin Warriors
As most of you know, Cartoon Network (which will from here on be referred to as CN) has the first two seasons of Sailor Moon dubbed. They released the "lost 17 episodes" back in Spring of '99, a big acheivement for CN. This fall, because of its popularity, Dragon Ball Z had the entire 2nd season (the whole Namek thing) dubbed and released. Many were excited, and they now await some more dubbing to be done. Ronin Warriors is an old anime made by Sunrise, and it's very cool. I highly suggest everyone check it out.
CN has recently announced that they will be adding Gundam Wing to Toonami, as commercials have already begun playing. It is unknown as to what show will be removed, but most speculate they'll remove Reboot. This will make Toonami a 2 hour piece of sweet anime programming. They also plan on bringing some more series' to Toonami, and the next show expected to be dropped is Sailor Moon, unless the third season begins to be dubbed.
Speaking of Sailor Moon dubs, Pioneer Animation will be dubbing and releasing the movie Sailor Moon R: Promise of a Rose on February 8th. There is a good chance that CN could and would get the rights to this movie and thus show it on Toonami when given the chance.
I'd also like to add what other anime you can catch on American television while making this news update for those of you who don't know. Starting at Midnight Saturday night and ending at 5AM Sunday morning is Toonami's "Midnight Run", which features every show that's ever run on Toonami. There are some other anime shows to get through this, including Robotech and Voltron. Kids-WB and Fox both have Pokémon, and Fox also has some Pokémon-wannabe shows like Digimon and Monster Rancher.
For the more serious Anime-watcher, Sci-Fi has a "Saturday Morning Anime" program that starts at 11AM EST. You can find Vampire Hunter D, Project A-Ko, Record of Lodoss War, Armitage III, and MANY more on this station. It's one of the best opportunities you can get to watch anime movies on TV.
One final note, Disney's new channel "Toon-Disney" has begun showing their dubbed version of Kiki's Delivery Service, an old movie done by Miyazaki (of Mononoke Hime fame). In the dub you can find Phil Hartman (who it is dedicated to at the end), Jeneane Garofalo (I don't know the spelling on that), and more!
That was one long update! Just wanted everyone to know about all the anime you can watch on American Stations.