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Real Bout High School, Volume 2
The second round of Real Bout High School is more of the same frenetic fighting action seen on the first disc, and this is definitely a plus. Actually, the episodes on disc two have more action and fighting goodness than the first, with the final episode being one of the funniest I've seen in awhile.
The first episode starts with three dangerous looking characters searching for Kusanagi. They find him, and all the other characters in the mall. If there was any doubt, a fight begins. Ryoko finds herself dressing up as a magical girl for a restaurant, and the minor characters begin to take more of an active role.
The second episode concludes the story began in the first. Everyone is transported by Ryoko's amulet to the alternate dimension of Solvania (Ryoko's third trip, Kusanagi's second) to fight some crab creatures in order to get home.
The third is a stand alone episode that is immensely enjoyable from beginning to end. The first third of the show is a parody of the Iron Chef show, with the creation of a bento lunch replacing the typical K-fight. The last two-thirds chronicles the race between Ryoko and Azumi to deliver the lunch to the object of their affections.
The only downside to the content of this disc is that we went from four episodes on the first volume down to three this time. This is odd since on all of TOKYOPOP's other releases, the episode counts went up. Still, with the increase in the level of action and the growing presence of the minor characters like Sara and Miyuki (the shrine maiden who is quickly becoming my favorite), Real Bout continues to be fantastic fun, especially for the fighting game fan.
The visuals still having the amazing color that is the hallmark of GONZO's productions. However, some of the limits of digital production show through. In several places, the animation looks sloppy and the characters deform abnormally. As well, the clarity of the DVD format allows several places where the lines look choppy. I do not believe this is a problem with the transfer, which is crystal clear. The artwork produced on the computer just is not as smooth in the high-action sequences, at least not when funded at the television level. In general, the action looks pretty good, and the slower scenes look fantastic. It's a minor complaint, although noticeable.
The sound is quite clear, so no problems on that front at all.
The extras are basically the same as the previous disc. The have the strange little documentaries called "Special End Corner" where two of the voices actresses (for Ryoko and Miyuki) talk about singing for the show or walk through the GONZO studios. There is an interview with Ikue Kimura, the voice actress for Ryoko. The regular features such as outtakes, line art, and a non-credit opening are also present.
Also present is the translator notes as an insert. The translation of the attacks as well as many cultural notes are included. This sort of extra is always welcomed.
Overall, I would have to say that this disc is more fun than the first. My major complaint with the original content was that it was a bit slow in introducing everyone; that complaint was answered here as the show just jumped into the action. As well, the amount of fan service dropped off noticeably, although it is still higher than many shows. In fact, the slobbering otaku at Ryoko's performance as a magical girl seemed to be making fun of the whole fan service issue.
I highly recommend this show if you're into action comedies, especially if they surround the antics in a Japanese high school. Real Bout High School is a blast; it's the perfect DVD to sit back, eat some popcorn, and have fun with.
Video Quality: B+ Audio Quality: A Presentation: A Content: A- Overall: A-