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Ronin Warriors, Volume 5
Volume 5 of Ronin Warriors keeps the fast pace it created in volume 4. This volume didn’t do anything special for character development; it stuck primarily to combat. When you are fighting the big bad guy, you’ve pretty much learned a sufficient amount of information. I think I speak for everyone when I say, if they were to throw more plot at us right as the duel of fate is in full swing, we would all get a little ticked off. This volume had several general improvements. For starters, the music made the come back I was looking forward to. The art has a boastful inclusion aside from the dark and gloomy atmosphere we are accustomed to, and the story made an exciting turn as it hits its first big milestone.
Kaos has finally revealed the mystery of the armour to the warriors. The immeasurable power of the armours gained through countless battles is what Arago was after all along. Arago confidently waits for the five to appear before him. Kaos believed in the five and has staked everything on them. The time has finally come for the Ronin Warriors to battle against Arago and finish things once and for all.
Continuing the trend set throughout the series, the backgrounds remain dark and gloomy. However there are some images of the world as it was before Arago attacked, we get a chance to see what the world is really like. The stills of the city and the mountains are very well done. The backgrounds are bright and excellently coloured. In short they are well drawn and coloured stills; the kind of pictures people put up in their living rooms. As for the combat, it retains its quality and originality. They continue to impress with their creative approach.
Thankfully the music is now louder and more predominant throughout this volume. This is definitely a plus. As predicted the music is excellent; it's just fun to listen to. Throughout the four episodes I didn't hear the same song twice. In a lot of anime, there will be a select set of songs: one for emotional parts, and one for the heroes defeating the enemies, and so on - so this kind of variety is hard to come by.
The plot of this volume shed a lot of light on some of the subjects that the characters have been tip-toeing around. This anime does a lot of things that make you wonder "Why doesn’t anyone do this anymore? It’s such a good idea." The anime still boasts excellent qualities in all fields, and I definitely recommend this anime for the sci-fi action adventure fan. Overall this series continues to deliver exciting episodes and sticks to the stuff that makes it great; it is definitely worth checking out.
Video Quality: A- Audio Quality: A Presentation: B+ Content: A Overall: A-