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Heroic Age Review: Episodes 14-26
War is hardly inevitable, as most differences can be overcome if a mutual effort is made to understand the opposing side. While the first half of the series focused on savior mythology, the second and concluding chapter centers on moving beyond divisiveness for the greater good.
When the initial release left off, the fate of humanity and its savior, the Nodos Age, were uncertain. But just as it seems hope has been lost, with the human fleets at the brink of defeat and Age succumbing to madness, Dhianeila arrives to set things right.
With Dhianeila’s appearance, the tables are turned, and humanity is at last able to reclaim their home planet. Unfortunately, the victory does not satisfy the desire for retribution against those who have hunted them, and the council orders them to conquer the home worlds of the Bronze and Silver Tribes. While Dhianeila’s good intentions seem clear, the arrogance and lust for power shared by her brothers still threatens to overturn all they have gained.
As the battles press on, it becomes clear that force alone will not see humanity fulfill the prophecies of the Golden Tribe. Seeking an understanding of her adversary, Dhianeila resolves to meet with a figurehead of the Silver Tribe. The meeting proves to be constructive, and while not wholly convinced, the Silver Tribe agrees that humanity should be given a chance to accomplish what was foretold and find the lost knowledge of the Golden Tribe.
Age must also engage in diplomacy of his own, as he finds himself forced to change the hearts of his fellow Nodos. Bound by their contracts, they have blindly followed the orders of their masters, but upon meeting Age, they begin to consider their directives may mean something more. In working together, they just might hold the key to everything.
As the series concludes, destinies converge as all sides congregate and the hidden path is revealed. But enlightenment does not come without its price, and the achievement is bittersweet as one side moves on to the unknown and the other is entrusted with the future.
If you enjoyed the opening chapter of the series, then the second set is a must have. For those of you ambivalent about the initial release though, the second half does not offer anything special, and I stand by my initial assessment that this is hardly must-see anime.