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Magikano Episode 1: Review in Tweets
On September 25, I decided to embark on the next review title in my queue, which was (thankfully) quite small at that point. After a bit of prodding, and a suggestion from staff member Tsukasa, I settled on FUNimation's re-release of Magikano. From that point onward, everything went horribly wrong.
As I was watching, my first instinct was to get every visceral reaction out in some form. Unfortunately for many, that reaction quickly hit Twitter. I would like to personally apologize to everyone that had to deal with my numerous 140-character rants that day. For those reading, though, please enjoy a glimpse at one man's descent into madness.
8:44 PM: Switching gears to something I have to watch before I settle down for homework... hrm. Magikano or Wallflower?
8:49 PM: @SpiralReverie's suggestion, I'll check out Magikano. Something tells me at least one of the shows will disturb me in a "bad touch" way.
8:50 PM: Theme song: "I want to love you more / I wanna give you more love"
8:50 PM: ...
8:50 PM: /reads case
8:50 PM: ...
8:50 PM: You're shitting me
8:51 PM: His sisters are gonna try to boink him?!
8:51 PM: What the christ?
8:53 PM: I'm suddenly getting a "Harry Potter meets Happy Lesson meets BAD TOUCH!" feeling.
8:53 PM: :(
8:55 PM: The main character has the personality of a brick... or one of those guys that works at Best Buy - no real ambition or imagination.
8:56 PM: I kid, I kid, Best Buy workers! I double as a retail drone for now, too!
8:57 PM: His sisters seem to be the obvious female character archetypes.
8:57 PM: Maika - oldest sister, scared of a lot.
8:57 PM: Chiaki - middle daughter - gluttonous, food constantly on her mind.
8:58 PM: Fuyuno - youngest daughter - money hungry loli.
9:01 PM: "Isn't boredom proof of peace and quiet?! Isn't peace what ALL of humanity dreams of? :o" ... ... ... again - personality of a BRICK.
9:03 PM: Requisite busty teacher time. And transfer student = busty blonde jailbait.
9:05 PM: ...who (obviously) hates main character for some reason.
9:05 PM: creepy sisters-feed-main-character time.
9:07 PM: ...over-possessive SISTER time. This is getting worse and worse D: -shakes fist- @SPIRALREVERIE!!!
9:07 PM: ...or something ;)
9:08 PM: Chance! Main character grows a pair!
9:08 PM: ...that didn't last long.
9:10 PM: magical powers and destruction time.
9:10 PM: ...and angry girl laughs like a maniac.
9:11 PM: crazy chick Mamiya sleeping on main character's couch? Obvious plot twist is obvious.
9:12 PM: ...and she kisses him. Heeeeere comes the obvious.
9:13 PM: "I'mma be your live in maid... oh! And I'm a magical mistress! :3"
9:14 PM: Mamiya = crazy bitch = witch = awesome.
9:15 PM: ...except for the fact that she just pulled a cookbook out of her panties.
9:16 PM: And obvious plot twist 2.
9:17 PM: Mamiya = cursed... by an unintentional bond to main character.
9:17 PM: She has the "OHOHOHO" breed of little sister.
9:18 PM: To break Mamiya's curse: She has to "awaken" main character as a "real man" and "arouse" his latent magic activity.
9:18 PM: nothin' sexual there, nosiree.
9:20 PM: ...Mamiya mixed love potion into main character's food... all three sisters are in the room. NO, this won't backfire :D
9:20 PM: ... ... ... It's sad, but I'm having more fun mocking this show than watching it.
9:23 PM: ...girl wrapped in phallic eel. Whee... way to get creative, Gonzo!
9:23 PM: "It's slimy! -moaaaaan!-"
9:24 PM: "Bad touch" moment - love potion kicks in, main character falls in love with phallic eel, and starts to straddle it and stroke it lovingly.
9:28 PM: Verdict: This show freakin' sucks... but it's WAY too fun to make fun of.