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Heat Guy J Episodes 1 & 2: Review In Tweets
9:43 PM: Tonight, I'll be giving my gut reactions on infamous Geneon money pit Heat Guy J.
9:43 PM: According to a recent ANNCast, this one never even came CLOSE to making money.
9:43 PM: A shame, since the pedigree seems to be pretty good. Lots of Escaflowne staff. But... I'll see why this did so poorly in a minute.
9:44 PM: Character designs by Nobuteru Yuki
9:44 PM: Created, Directed, Planned, and Storyboarded by Kazuki Akane
9:44 PM: Some primo voice talent, including Daisuke Sakaguchi, Ai Shimizu, and Saeko Chiba.
9:45 PM: So let's see why this show tanked harder than Cats On Ice. ;)
9:46 PM: Funeral time... with RAWKIN GUITAR >:o
9:48 PM: Apparently, for some guy named Vampire... don of the Leotellis
9:49 PM: ...apparently, this is a "Family" affair. Arrivaderci Vito!
9:50 PM: J can identify people just by widening his eyes. Badass.
9:52 PM: "That man is the Don's only son." I can see where this is going. :)
9:52 P4: "Daisuke! Daisuke Auroroa! :O" He's ON A BOAT!
9:53 PM: Looks like don's son has daddy issues. And a case of the crazies. Not many pull a grenade at funerals
9:53 PM: Things anime taught me: Mafia men can run as fast as the flash and throw like Nolan Ryan
9:53 PM: Daddy issues confirmed. "Papa... it's fireworks :3 You liked them, didn't you?"
9:54 PM: And credit time. Rock rap?
9:54 PM: "He say HEY! BOY! LUKIN FO YO SOUL!" Engrish ftw
9:58 PM: Typical DOOK DOOK DOOK techno with city shots... there has to be a requirement about that or something.
9:58 PM: Cool! Che Guevara posters!
9:59 PM: Looks like Hitomi from Escaflowne is a weather girl in this. Go fig.
9:59 PM: Pink haired lady with folding bike. It's San Francisco without the smug!
10:00 PM: Pink haired girl = Kyoko, apparently. J has the hots for her.
10:01 PM: Another character: Misia... sounds like he got hit in the head one too many times. That, or he's high on lithium. I can't decide.
10:01 PM: Daisuke looks girlier than Kyoko.
10:04 PM: "Illegal immigrants have shown up in the Bay area." Is this anime, or Lou Dobbs?
10:05 PM: Shanty town... and a giant statue of a naked lady. The future is weird, but so awesome 'cause it's not now.
10:06 PM: "How about an antique, paper-printed photograph?" Wonder if we'll ever get to that level.
10:06 PM: Monica = adorable photographer girl... with a mean streak.
10:07 PM: All the whores love Daisuke. He's a freakin' pimp.
10:07 PM: J - looks around bar... something tells me an ass-whuppin' is on us.
10:08 PM: Awesome. Old Japanese guy in a cowboy hat!
10:08 PM: blah blah mafia warfare blah blah Vampire
10:09 PM: Daisuke finds cigarette butts fascinating... and enjoys walking into closed cafes.
10:10 PM: This is getting interesting! :) Dead body.
10:10 PM: Daisuke's getting chewed out by a cop now. Edimundo?
10:10 PM: Edmundo?
10:11 PM: Stallone guy in crowd now... the chase is on!
10:11 PM: Little girly man running to take down a guy the size of a bear.
10:12 PM: In the future, rednecks will weep. Daisuke granted only 4 bullets for his gun.
10:13 PM: Those shades... they're SO 1980! XD
10:13 PM: But with the pimp smile, Daisuke's stylin'
10:13 PM: Here comes Russiaman... who runs at the speed of sound
10:15 PM: ...He's apparently an illegal immigrant. And (pretty obviously) a robot
10:15 PM: Channeling Lou Dobbs: "You're not allowed to exist here."
10:16 PM: Immigrant man Power UP!
10:16 PM: Fight scene go!
10:16 PM: ...That was quick. :(
10:16 PM: "Call your machine."
10:17 PM: And here he is... coincidentally, of course. ;)
10:17 PM: Banter time. "I hope you get rusty in the rain!"
10:19 PM: More fightin' - pretty epic stuff this time. Running up buildings, robo face punching... it's all good
10:19 PM: "Heat Guy" mentioned - wtf is a heat guy... and why is J sprouting exhaust pipes?
10:20 PM: Daisuke rides Knight Rider... or Schpeltiger. I'm not sure which yet.
10:21 PM: J's on a boat! which is full of Lucky Strikes... I think
10:22 PM: Now for The Reveal (TM)
10:23 PM: Convenient sniper fire ruins a climactic moment. boo.
10:24 PM: Daisuke is apparently every action star ever made: "My dad was killed by machines." ... ... ... Cliche~!
10:25 PM: And the ending credits - Schpeltiger rolling down the street as the credits roll.
10:25 PM: Produced by Pioneer Entertainment... dag.
10:25 PM: Makes me feel old to see that
10:26 PM: One episode down, and I have to admit... this is better than I expected.
10:27 PM: The pacing's a bit wonkish, but there's potential for it to become something good.
10:28 PM: I'll be keeping my eye on this, going forward.
10:30 PM: For now though? One more episode. :)
10:31 PM: Oooo~ night time... Mysterious :o
10:31 PM: ...There's that giant boob statue again >_>
10:32 PM: How cliche - mobsters running a casino... discussing the family's future
10:32 PM: Apparently, the mafia is like a corporation now?
10:32 PM: ...and what the effing heck?
10:33 PM: Don's son Clair... cutting himself and pouring his blood into wine... and..
10:33 PM: wth?
10:34 PM: They're DRINKING IT?! O_o
10:34 PM: That's just... ick.
10:35 PM: Back to Daisuke and Kyoko.
10:35 PM: "Huh? Stink? You mean an odor?" Uhh... do I wanna know?
10:36 PM: "Something stinks." "Because it's an odor." Oh, you...
10:36 PM: Apparently, all the awesome stuff happens in District 9, judging by the constant overheads of a shanty town.
10:37 PM: Daisuke gets all the chicks. srsly - he's the essence of pimp, embodied and crystallized.
10:38 PM: "Everyone's getting the flu lately." OMG SWINE FLU :O
10:39 PM: Clair's an arrogant dick. And a sociopath.
10:39 PM: Who just jammed a grenade into a lower mafia boss's mouth.
10:40 PM: Obvious plot is obvious - "KILL HIM!"
10:40 PM: Mafia hits are go.
10:41 PM: In other words, it's a typical day in Providence... or something. ;)
10:41 PM: OMG Old Japanese guy in cowboy hat again!
10:41 PM: I love him 'cause he's manly enough to pull off a pink cowboy hat.
10:41 PM: Photo girl again.
10:41 PM: I'm seeing a pattern.
10:42 PM: Monica's a snitch... you really had to figure that.
10:44 PM: The plot thickens: Looks like Vampire 1 was napalmed to death... and J can stop dead in place after running 200 mph
10:46 PM: "The main ingredient is gasoline." The other ingredient? Styrofoam! :D
10:46 PM: blah blah air pollution blah blah funny odor
10:47 PM: Apparently, Daisuke's shades are more than just 1985-chic. They're actually useful :o
10:48 PM: Clair sees the leprachaun and it tells him to burn things, apparently.
10:49 PM: Schpeltiger go! Chase the tanker carrying napalm!
10:50 PM: With really bad CG, to boot!
10:50 PM: "Bulletproof tires?!" how is that even... Don't tell me, I don't wanna know
10:51 PM: More talk of illegal immigrants.
10:51 PM: "Napalm, what's that? T_T" ...uhhh... yeah... in the future, everybody is oblivious, apparently.
10:52 PM: "Shoot the truck to stop it."
10:53 PM: ...apparently, video game writers handled scripting.
10:53 PM: yay for physics defying shots that cause huge damage!
10:53 PM: J fight go!
10:54 PM: "is this a comic book?!" ...close enough?
10:55 PM: J looks like a metal gorilla without skin.
10:55 PM: A really bad CG metal gorilla
10:56 PM: Apparently, cowboy Japanese guy is the Godfather
10:56 PM: Epic.
10:58 PM: After two episodes... my opinions still stand. that's a good thing. It's pretty consistent in its setup.
10:59 PM: However, the show really needs to ramp up to rise above "OK" and into the realm of "good."