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Gall Force: Review In Tweets
8:01 PM: Tonight's feature is a true classic: Gall Force!
8:02 PM: Directed by Katsuhito Akiyama (Bubblegum Crisis, Pumpkin Scissors)
8:03 PM: Character designs by Kenichi Sonoda (Gunsmith Cats, Bubblegum Crisis)
8:04 PM: Animated by AIC (Bubblegum Crisis, Ah! My Goddess, Tenchi Muyo!)
8:04 PM: Released by the late Central Park Media.
8:14 PM: Anyway, here we go :P
8:15 PM: "Sony Video Software International and Movic Present..." -shakes fist- SONYYYYYYYYYYY >:o
8:16 PM: And it begins... with tons of freakin' spacecraft blowing each other up... I miss the '80s already :D
8:16 PM: Apparently, they're on the Akon Kagu'ya
8:17 PM: "Rumy, code 41! :D" Rumy is the token loli
8:17 PM: "I've never done this before D:" That's what you get for hiring kids in the military
8:17 PM: More awesome space battling.
8:18 PM: The Kaguya's damaged. :< "Come on, TOIL!" says random chick with purple hair
8:18 PM: ...she sees dead people (not all the time)
8:19 PM: I'll be honest... this is one FUGLY transfer o_o rainbows... RAINBOWS everywhere! Double rainbows! What can it mean?!
8:19 PM: "I don't think they can hear me!" ...they're probably dead
8:20 PM: Blonde Kei lookalike lands... are we gonna find out wtf is going on soon?
8:21 PM: I guess it wasn't the Kaguya... the Kaguya's winning... with strange Harlock women with Hardsuit helmets
8:22 PM: OK, finally some names - redhead = Rabbie.
8:22 PM: "There's nobody left... anywhere!" Encouraging.
8:23 PM: Narrow escape get! And requisite "DUNUUUUU! >:o" music XD
8:24 PM: Gotta admit though, they don't make well.. MUCH like this anymore
8:25 PM: Gorgeous animation and really strong character designs.
8:25 PM: Music is, well.. nonexistent.
8:25 PM: And hello... naked Attacker girl. :p Requisite cheesecake shots?
8:26 PM: "Lufy! Go with them! :o" ...oh... they got the Straw Hat pirate? :D They'll be fine... oh wait :P
8:27 PM: Apparently, the crew's fucked. Light speed kicked out early :(
8:27 PM: Dark, purple-haired girl is named Pony... Engrish rocks :D
8:28 PM: In space... nobody can hear you get sucked out of the airlock. :o
8:29 PM: Pony's a wimp, apparently. Afraid of everything, and all that
8:30 PM: Again: we NEED more hard sci-fi stuff. I haven't been this excited by an anime in YEARS
8:31 PM: Aliens found the human ship... apparently, they turn into terminator robots? ...wat? o_o
8:34 PM: Stuff went from bad to worse - auto-repairs offline... and chances of successful repair are 25% :o
8:34 PM: The Attacker is apparently the ensemble's Lone Wolf archetype.
8:35 PM: Attacker = Lufy... gotcha.
8:35 PM: And she has a reputation... natch
8:37 PM: Time for more seizuriffic space battling!.
8:38 PM: And the G-Diffuser will be online in 3-4 minutes... so 1-2 in anime time? :P
8:40 PM: Confirmed: Lufy = Samus Aran... or a Zaku
8:40 PM: Uh oh... the G-Canceler is locked in coutdown :o Somoene's gon' get left behind in 190 seconds
8:41 PM: It's Lufy, apparently. :(
8:43 PM: Achieve light speed! :o ...and Lufy's floating in space.. with the Bron-D attack mech.
8:44 PM: Another musical interlude in light speed... with DEPRESSING J-POP! :o ...and mostly naked Rabbie on the toilet. wtf Japan
8:45 PM: Yay for musical tributes to characters that we only knew for 20 minutes. :D Even though she's on the cover for Gall Forces 2, 3, and Rhea
8:46 PM: also sad shower scenes... truly a "WTF JAPAN" thing.
8:47 PM: hah... the robot is trying to be nice about saying Rumy's a glutton. that never works
8:47 PM: The aliens apparently left a present. a "capsule." (I say bomb)
8:48 PM: ...loli eating a sausage... truly WTF JAPAN. Especially as the robot (TOIL) gives a disapproving T_T face
8:48 PM: ...whatever was in that capsule is gon' be attacking soon. :o
8:50 PM: HOLY FUCK I just realized this is Geneshaft 20 years before Geneshaft existed
8:50 PM: but... this doesn't suck! I don't get it! ;o; How did Satelight.. how could... dear god I'm torn.
8:50 PM: And back to the film - DICKMONSTERS :D
8:52 PM: Going after the loli. >_>
8:52 PM: "Gone? :o but where?" not there, clearly >_>
8:53 PM: Rule of sci-fi #1 broken - never split up
8:53 PM: Ohp... one got claimed by winkymonster... or watermonster now? H2OZilla?
8:53 PM: nah, he's still a wangmonster '-'
8:54 PM: And another one bites the wangmonster's dust
8:55 PM: Looks like the wangmonster got sucked out of the airlock... that was anticlimactic
8:56 PM: "There's nothing wrong but.. her pulse and temperature...!" :o ...chestburster
8:56 PM: Apparently she's dead... :| And she got a Spock burial.
8:58 PM: Silent girl's got a name - Catty... and she's apparently a traitor?
9:00 PM: "I can't tell you now, but... there's only one person on this ship who understands. '_' " OK?
9:00 PM: Looks like the ship's in trouble... 20% pressure, have to hit the escape pod... in 5 minutes. Catty's good as dead.
9:01 PM: ...and Pony
9:02 PM: Catty's a Robut... I KNEW IT! >:o
9:03 PM: Catty SMASH! :o
9:03 PM: And she turns into a humanoid conduit, to awesome '80s background music.
9:04 PM: ...ohp - Catty's dead. :\
9:04 PM: And there goes Pony
9:04 PM: I swear - this is going to end with just Rabbie and the loli
9:05 PM: Slow pan over the loli, then to space, all to an Engrish-filled ballad
9:06 PM: Rabbie's dreams - lesbians and guns. wtf Japan
9:07 PM: now Rabbie chases... a dream version of Lufi?
9:07 PM: or rather Lufi's haunting everybody? Or some unnamed girl, at leasat
9:08 PM: ...who insists on making out with everyone O_o
9:09 PM: "It made my HEART ache <3" "And it made you all excited at the same time? <3" ...uhhhh '-'
9:10 PM: more shots of space.
9:10 PM: "The 9th Star System.. CHAOS! :O" ...they made it apparently. With 40 minutes of running time to spare :D
9:10 PM: Will we see chaos on Chaos?
9:11 PM: More Rabbie nips as she showers
9:11 PM: Just as a "Hi, you didn't get boobs in 15 minutes :D" thing I guess
9:11 PM: "It's a beautiul world. <3" ...it is, for a planet named Chaos.
9:12 PM: "The ship's powered by an on-board nuclear reactor..." ... ... ... k... that sounds safe
9:13 PM: First shots of the planet. And loli's turning into a pre-pubescent bitch.
9:14 PM: "So beautiful... terra, the planet that lives on its own :o" oh, right... Chaos is the star system name, not the planet name... duh
9:16 PM: Patty's hurting... again, I predict death.
9:17 PM: Planetary attack is go, by giant enemy (robot) crabs... hit their weak points for MASSIVE damage. :o
9:17 PM: Apparently, they're flying Valkyries. O_o or transformers... one of the two
9:18 PM: Patty got raep'd '-'
9:19 PM: And she's mutating... or something
9:19 PM: ...or it made her preggers? wat '-'
9:21 PM: And they suddenly have a baby... WTF Japan '___'
9:21 PM: speaking of which... they just showed babby wang... WTF JAPAN! O_o
9:21 PM: ...he's growing quickly
9:22 PM: ...he's a MAN now :o that looks like Rabbie... with a winky
9:24 PM: And the aliens are aborting 'cause they got a new life form... I forgot about them.
9:24 PM: New life form code-name: "FACTOR P-1" P is for...?
9:25 PM: And now that they're inside? The guy looks like Patty... with extra equi PMent
9:25 PM: The Akon Kaguya's there to rescue... I think. That whole first part was ambiguous with the Harlock Hardsuit people
9:26 PM: Oh well... epic space battle is go
9:27 PM: And now the Central Guard's getting involved - guess that's like the elite fleets?
9:28 PM: Welp... the aliens are blowing up... and this is apparently traitorous on some level?
9:28 PM: Shit's goin' down... apparently, the aliens are in cahoots with the Central Guard... Harlock Hardsuit is pissed :o
9:28 PM: Lots of fun explosions, and a landing alien craft
9:29 PM: Nuclear allegory... both sides hold a System Destroyer, which can destroy a star system in a single shot
9:30 PM: Eluza's death explained. Stuff's coming together
9:31 PM: King Paranoid is a SUPER giant enemy crab now! We know what THAT means =D #RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDGERACER!
9:32 PM: Oh... he's a robot dinosaur... that's less fun.
9:32 PM: Climax is go. :o
9:32 PM: Patty's gon' die '-'
9:33 PM: "Why do they all want you? :(" ...we just went through 15 minutes of exposition for that :o
9:34 PM: So they're going to raze the planet to get to Patty's kid... even if it means killing him in the process? I dunno
9:34 PM: Epic fight against dinosaur to bouncy 80s tunes!
9:34 PM: 'cause '80s music makes everything better
9:35 PM: OK, this IS pretty awesome.
9:37 PM: Yyyep - planet's being gooified... nuked out of existence
9:38 PM: So uh... how did they sequel this? '_' Everyone's de- OHHHHH... they're on Earth. surpriiiiiise >_>
9:39 PM: ...and apparently Lufi's there? That leaves me with more questions than anwers D:
9:11 PM: And credits.
11:17PM: Verdict: Absolutely excellent film. It really reminded me of why I got into anime to begin with!
11:17PM: Great characters, excellent animation from the peak of the cel era, and a fun sci-fi plot all tied together well to create a must-see flick!
11:17PM: I just wish I hadn't waited to long to see it.. ^_^;;