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You're Under Arrest: Fast & Furious - Episode 1 in Tweets
The content of this piece was written during a viewing of the first episode of You're Under Arrest! Fast & Furious, on August 30, 2010. Edits have been made for spelling and grammar, but the rest is completely untouched, and un-edited from its original format.
Yeah, I don't read this intro stuff, either.
8:24 PM: Tonight's feature: You're Under Arrest: Full Throttle
8:24 PM: Released by .@sentaifilmworks on DVD
8:25 PM: Directed by Koichi Ohata (Gunbuster, Burst Angel)
8:26 PM: Character designs by Atsuko Nakajima (Haunted Junction, Ranma 1/2, Rurouni Kenshin)
8:27 PM: Animated by Studio DEEN
8:27 PM: Distributed by Section23 Films
8:31 PM: And it's time to start! :D
8:31 PM: "Moichiro, Staaatiin aaaap :D" Glad to see they haven't ditched the campy opening themes.
8:31 PM: Though nothing tops ZigZag.
8:32 PM: Opening theme - Mighty Body by AA-Chino
8:32 PM: Have to admit, it's catchy.
8:33 PM: Here's hoping this is as good as the first season.
8:33 PM: Open with: dramatic water shot! :o
8:33 PM: ...and is that Ueno Park? Anyway, random brunette in front of Bokuto
8:34 PM: Who's part of the traffic division... and a by-the-book worker... She'll be in for a shock if Natsumi's hung over.
8:35 PM: Name: Saori Saga. Greeting ruined by work being ditched en masse
8:35 PM: Aww, her denial is cute. "They must be on patrol :o"
8:36 PM: Scooter Mama sighting confirmed: 3:20 into episode 1 :D
8:37 PM: ...and another close-up of a wanted poster for Shiro Sendai: Age 46. GEE - I WONDER IF HE'S IMPORTANT OR SOMETHING :O
8:38 PM: ...I was right. They're all hung over. And Aoi's hair color apparently went from brown to black between seasons. O.o
8:39 PM: Oh yeah... now I remember Saga. She was a delinquent in one of the season 1 episodes. O_o
8:40 PM: Classic background music is back. Yay!
8:41 PM: ... And Saga pissed off Natsumi... threw out her point card. Oops! :o
8:41 PM: ...and apparently, she can't do anything right '-' poor girl inavertently pissed off ALL of her coworkers.
8:42 PM: Twist of "fate" - Saori gets paired with Natsumi and Miyuki
8:43 PM: "you have low morale :o It's like you're all slacking :o" ...been there >->
8:45 PM: Lamenting the hanabi time... poor officers. And Saga just wants to work. I miss being that idealistic...
8:46 PM: So full of hope, so un-crushed by reality.
8:46 PM: ...So bitchy >_> lecturing her superiors
8:47 PM: Tokuno-san is back... and as awesome as ever.
8:48 PM: The chief = badass
8:49 PM: ...and who's THIS shady figure? :o That's right... he's the dude from the poster.
8:49 PM: And he's apparently one of the 3.5 per every 10,000 people in the city that's a criminal.
8:50 PM: Realization: Yoriko been had. Aoi will have his vengeance!
8:52 PM: ...So THAT is how Japan does the "I already started writing the ticket" spiel. O-o
8:52 PM: "It's harder to watch than to help :3" Ohp... guy just from pickpocketing to Grand Theft Auto and attempted vehicular homicide
8:52 PM: Eyecatch!
8:53 PM: And the chase is on.
8:54 PM: As the awesome priest watches... and Saga cries about being fired for doing her job. She's REALLY fun. -rolls eyes-
8:55 PM: Classic chase music is back. Lots of nods to the first season, different visual style aside
8:55 PM: ...and it looks like Natsumi's going soccer hooligan on that traffic... holy zen o_o flipping cars with her bare hands.
8:57 PM: Random thought - Saga looks a lot like Erica from Sakura Taisen 3
8:57 PM: Car thief driving on sidewalk - Natsumi: "I don't are HOW pretty she is! You STILL can't drive on the sidewalk :O"
8:58 PM: Bustin' out the scooter :3
8:59 PM: Saga apparently gets carsick... or she isn't used to going over 90 kph
9:00 PM: Welcome to Japan - where cops wield paintball guns
9:01 PM: COPS, eat your heart out.
9:02 PM: "This is bad! :O" ...yes, yes it is.
9:03 PM: And everything ends happy. Bad guy gets arrested... and Saga's brain is broken
9:04 PM: "What the police department's been waiting for :D" "Accident cleanup ToT"
9:05 PM: And that's the end of it!
9:05 PM: Frankly, it's almost as good as the first season. I'd say it's just as good, but I don't like Saga much.
9:07 PM: Still, the police action is just as fun as ever, and Natsumi and Miyuki are still the best crime-fighting partners in anime
9:08 PM: The visual style took a bit of getting used to, but it works well... Aoi doesn't seem as "guyish" though, which hurts those jokes a bit.
9:09 PM: Anyway, long story made short, YUA! Fast & Furious is a no-brainer. Watch it on .@theanimenetwork, buy the DVDs, I don't care. :)
9:10 PM: Just make sure that you check it out!
9:11 PM: And it's come to my attention that only Season 1 is available on .@theanimenetwork - if you haven't seen YUA, check that out, instead! ;)