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Corpse Princess: Episode 1 in Tweets
The content of this piece was written during a viewing of the first episode of Corpse Princess, on September 13, 2010. Edits have been made for spelling and grammar, but the rest is completely untouched, and un-edited from its original format.
7:16 PM: Good evening, readers. Welcome to another fun show-blog!
7:16 PM: Tonight, I'll be taking a look at .@funimation's release of Corpse Princess (Shikabane Hime).
7:17 PM: This is a Gainax show, so I think it's safe to assume that there will be either a) Giant boobs, b) off-the-walls crazy shit or c) both
7:17 PM: And with the name Corpse Princess, I can only imagine that we'll see bloody meat puppets galore.
7:17 PM: But I digress. This was directed by Masahiko Murata (Giant Robo, Gilgamesh)
7:17 PM: Written by Shou Aikawa (Martian Successor Nadesico, Fullmetal Alchemist, Sorcerer Hunters)
7:18 PM: Opening and closing themes: Beautiful Fighter and My Story - both by Angela. (ooh :D)
7:20 PM: Aniwho, it's about 20 past, so away we go!
7:20 PM: And it opens with a dark skyline... ooo~ :o ... Yeah, I got nothin' yet. >_>
7:21 PM: "House of Child Welfare" ...orphanage?
7:21 PM: Picture: Three kids beating a guy - one has a shirt that says "Milk." Oh, Japan. :3
7:22 PM: And there's the guy in the picture... being held by two young boys in his sleep. >_>
7:22 PM: :O Cat that passes through windows! Shit's gettin' real, folks!
7:23 PM: Cat: "Ouri :O" Get the butcher knife~... :p
7:23 PM: Oh yes - expect a ton of B-horror movie jokes. This has a dark, spooky atmosphere.
7:24 PM: Anyway, he's in the (family?) shrine... something IS going down.
7:24 PM: Dead girl in the middle of the room - ass-up... classy.
7:25 PM: His brother must be an S&M freak or something... that or just severely fucked up on a Jeffrey Dahmer level. She's covered in deep slashes.
7:26 PM: In comes the cavalry. >_>
7:26 PM: Folks from the head shrine talking about a "seal or something." More to come
7:27 PM: ...FROM the freakin' cat. >_> WTF Japan - "She is a shikabane :D" why yes, she IS a corpse.
7:28 PM: "You'll become fascinated by shikabane. :D" oh great... a budding necrophile. -_-
7:28 PM: ...corpse is a zombie now?
7:28 PM: "I'm certain... that she was dead :o" how certain? :D
7:29 PM: Scene change - some apartment, with cops barging in.
7:29 PM: And a dude on a pink couch >_> "We found seven corpses in your closet :O" ...but they just arrived?
7:30 PM: Now HE looks like a zombie... or worse
7:30 PM: Yeah, zombie. soulless green eyes and all
7:30 PM: And out the window he goes >_> He didn't last long at all. DISAPPOINTMENT!
7:31 PM: Hah... Ouri's brother is a glutton... and a hypocrite
7:32 PM: ...And he got what was comin' to him thanks to the place's director :D A crack on the head AND no breakfast. The kids seem ecstatic. >_>
7:34 PM: O_o Ouri's a uh... growing... boy? -sigh- yep, this is Gainax. >_> Ouri's trying to make off with his brother (the MONK)'s porno stash.
7:34 PM: "it was out of parental love :3" ...that's an awesome brother.
7:35 PM: Obvious hinting at a bigger plot, eh?
7:36 PM: Scene change to zombie girl, who is, naturally, nekkid in the shower. Yeeep. Gainax as usual
7:36 PM: "You sometimes see dead people :O" cue Haley Joel Osmont.
7:38 PM: O_o -cringe!- Ouri's female friend (Inuhiko) goes straight for the groin when she's pissed... his (male) friend just got nailed! D:
7:38 PM: "It seems the police let him [The pink-couch murder-pimp] get away. :|" ... he kissed pavement. >_>
7:40 PM: Hunh... guess he became a monster after that. Makes sense... not really
7:40 PM: Zombiegirl is on the prowl. Fun.
7:41 PM: Back to zombie girl - in the zombieguy's apartment.
7:42 PM: ...wait... is he a zombie or a vampire? What the hell? -_- He's not eating them - he's drinking their blood... and he's sexy!
7:42 PM: "I've become an immortal vampire :3" nope... zombie >_>
7:43 PM: "You aren't human either, huh? :3" ...was it that obvious? >_>
7:43 PM: NOW we're hitting the Gainax fun :D bullets flying, shit blowing up
7:44 PM: And a hugeass black demon flying through the sky!
7:44 PM: Back to Ouri... and the corpse girl, who fell... 100 feet... and landed next to him. >_> #CoincidenceIthinknot
7:44 PM: ohp... cat's back.
7:45 PM: "She's dead." "But you're fascinated :3" ...oh jesus... This better not turn into the OTHER kind of Gainax show or it'll get creepy fast.
7:46 PM: Girl's in hell... or something. O_o wtf
7:46 PM: ...and she comes to, only to see Ouri with his rape-face on.
7:46 PM: "your heart wasn't beating... so..."
7:47 PM: And he got slapped like every potential rapist should be. :P
7:47 PM: ...while she runs off with Ouri's brother >_>
7:48 PM: Apparently, the whores with sexy vampire are still alive
7:49 PM: blah blah shikabane blah blah THIS IS MY BOOMSTICK -whip out two guns- >:o
7:49 PM: Love the animation in these fight scenes. I just wish it didn't keep cutting away >>
7:49 PM: Hah... Ouri has all the luck.
7:49 PM: Caught under the fight
7:50 PM: Now it's just Makina and the demon... shit's gon' get real
7:51 PM: Property damage, blood flying everywhere, and a cute girl. We've officially entered "Awesome Gainax" territory
7:51 PM: And the demon gets a face FULL of lead! Bad-ass.
7:52 PM: And back to Ouri... who missed his own housewarming... aw..
7:52 PM: And Makino... showers again. >_> oh, you... Gainax
7:52 PM: "To be continued."
7:53 PM: Ending theme is 100% Angela, which means it's 100% awesome.
7:54 PM: Episode 2 features demon babies. Epic.
7:55 PM: The verdict: Shikabane Hime is a show that works, and works well.
7:55 PM: It started off slowly, but once the episode got going, it didn't stop
7:56 PM: The animation is slick, the characters are definitely likeable, and the atmosphere is absolutely fantastic.
7:56 PM: It's creepy, without delving into that B-Movie, Carnosaur/Army of Darkness campiness
7:57 PM: And really, props have to be given for a show where a girl with two uzis charges into a 10-foot tall demon, THROUGH a building, guns blazing
7:58 PM: All with a sadistic smile on her face, as she delivers that satisfying headshot to polish him off.
7:58 PM: I highly recommend this one and will be keeping an eye on it going forward.