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Boy George Conquers the World: Tokyo Majin: Episode 1 In Tweets
The content of this piece was written during a viewing of the first episode of Tokyo Majin on September 4, 2010. Edits have been made for spelling and grammar, but the rest is completely untouched, and un-edited from its original format.
A better title for this series would have been “Boy George Vs. The World.”
4:14 PM: Good afternoon, everybody. Welcome another Saturday Showblog! :) Today's feature is the first episode of Tokyo Majin.
4:15 PM: Tokyo Majin is another of .@FUNimation's license rescues, and was originally released by ADV Films.
4:15 PM: Anyway, the basics:
4:15 PM: Directed by Shinji Ishihira (Air Gear, Fairy Tail, Ichi The Killer: Episode 0)
4:15 PM: Animated by AIC Spirits (Burn up Scramble, Birdy the Mighty: Decode, Tokko)
4:15 PM: Opening theme: "0:00AM"; Closing Theme: Hanafubuki - both by ACID
4:16 PM: It's 4:16 - time to start :D
4:16 PM: And it opens with an old guy holding a crying baby.... as (apparently) his father(?) gets killed
4:17 PM: ...and shit goes downhill.
4:17 PM: "17 years later: The setting: TOKYO" ...'kay? '-'
4:17 PM: SUPERMAN FLYING ZOMBIES :O Adam West was right!
4:17 PM: Epic beard man with a cart ;3
4:18 PM: And future-rapist? "Who's there? :o"
4:18 PM: ...And she's being watched as Zombies chase her. wtf
4:19 PM: Now she's trapped - Graffiti on the wall? "FUCK" - yeah, that about sums it up.
4:20 PM: Girl got ate :( As some guy eats candy, and... oh. :o Epic beard man found her body. I gotcha.
4:20 PM: Title: "TOKYO MAJIN GAKUEN KENPUUCHO - TOU!" >:o ...this could be really cool, or really REALLY crappy. Dunno which yet.
4:21 PM: XD Holy crap - Really cheesy electric guitar riff in the episode title card.
4:21 PM: Like, 1980s cartoon cheesy.
4:22 PM: Down at the morgue now... Shadowrun?
4:22 PM: "It's too damn smoky in here T_T" And they're both smoking... hah
4:23 PM: "Every last drop of water's been sucked from her body :o" so... thirsty zombies?
4:23 PM: HOLY hell that's creepy >_O
4:23 PM: Inside the girl is goop... ew >_>
4:23 PM: At school? Life goes on.
4:24 PM: "He, his him. You, your, you. :D" English class is fun, or something?
4:24 PM: Blonde English teacher = awesome.
4:25 PM: She even says "yeehah! :D"
4:25 PM: "How about some coffee milk? :3" No way! :o I thought they only sold that in Rhode Island! #Epic
4:26 PM: Out the window Kyoichi and narcoleptic transfer go... and blonde English teacher is still awesome
4:26 PM: Let the beatdown begin - Kyoichi and Narc-y kicking ass
4:27 PM: Another main character? Komaki - brunette high school girl
4:27 PM: Back to the morgue
4:27 PM: ...THE DEAD WALK!
4:28 PM: "It can't be normal people doing this." "We can't be certain they're people :3" This bald dude is sharper than the average yakuza
4:29 PM: Coroner has an awesome skeleton cell phone strap. :D
4:29 PM: Back to the ass kicking.
4:30 PM: ...more like a segment from a bad S&M flick now, as a bully dances as Kyoichi whips him with his belt. WTF Japan >_>
4:31 PM: And transfer finds a pipe... which he plugs and some girl pops out of the ground? ... '_' OK, I'm lost
4:31 PM: Narc-y has a name! Tatsuma Hiyuu - I'm going to call him Tatsu :D
4:32 PM: Girl's a stalker. O.o Knows Tatsu's whole life
4:32 PM: Kyouichi nailed it - she's a freakin' stalker... her name? Anko
4:32 PM: "Paparachi? :3"
4:33 PM: Brunette from the beginning has a name and identity now - Aoi Misato, student council president
4:33 PM: As the musclehead - Yuuya Daigo (Not the SFIII player >_>)
4:34 PM: Trainspotting-ish time lapse now. Fun.
4:34 PM: Day gives way to night, and the city lights up as people go to their own personal hells. Classy.
4:35 PM: Old Yakuza guy has a name - Yang
4:35 PM: Zombies are go!
4:36 PM: And they're pissed - Yakuza are outnumbered but HOLY CRAP Yang's kicking ASS! GO OLD GUY GO!
4:36 PM: Zombie BBQ. :D
4:37 PM: And giant yin yang... thing? that sucks in the zombies.
4:37 PM: ...what just happened '_'
4:37 PM: "that was the girl. :o" Clearly. >_>
4:38 PM: Talk of Moryo demons - they prey on corpses... and holy shit old man getting tentacle mouthraped. '_' WTF JAPAN
4:38 PM: WTF
4:39 PM: Long story short - demon makes zombies, zombies kill people, five kids are there to stop 'em. Sounds reasonable
4:40 PM: Kisaragi has a cute manservant. She likes her man-candy I guess :P
4:40 PM: And Daigo is a pushover with women - who didn't see THAT coming. -rolls eyes-
4:41 PM: Stalkergirl becomes their connection. How... convenient.
4:41 PM: "Academic interest? :D" More plausible than "Scavenger hunt :3" I guess.
4:41 PM: "I smell a scoop :3" I smell another zombie by episode's end. >_>
4:41 PM: Random shot of running monks... wtf
4:42 PM: "We're not kids! T_T" yes you are >_>
4:42 PM: "Shuddup, shemale T_T" hah. :D Kyoichi doesn't like Komaki, apparently... neither do I. She's kind of a bitch >_>
4:43 PM: The prof. has an idea of what's going on... shock >_>
4:44 PM: It's the Dark Hour! :O #Persona3
4:44 PM: ...and zombie Yuko must EAT >:O
4:44 PM: "This is kinda weird, isn't it? :D" ...this guy isn't bright at all. >____>
4:45 PM: Let the zombie beatdown begin as Komaki sports new tattoos... they all do. wtf.
4:45 PM: Really - if I hear someone yell "PERSONA! :O", I'm outta here
4:46 PM: ...Or not.
4:46 PM: "What was that? ;-;" The product of many, MANY bad hentai flicks.
4:46 PM: This is just getting more and more absurd as the episode goes on. >_>
4:47 PM: Now Boy George is causing mayhem?
4:47 PM: Zombie Yang ... and Kyoichi has his bloody zombie-killing sword.
4:48 PM: ...who'd have thought that Boy George was a demon capable of killing dozens at once?
4:48 PM: I guess they really DO want to hurt him o_o
4:49 PM: Back to the zombie rage.
4:49 PM: "GO FOR ITS ARMS >:o" ... I'd be more concerned with something else
4:49 PM: ...well, that was anticlimactic.
4:50 PM: Oh, jeez x_x Rapedemon is spewing glowy white/purple stuff out from itself now. #wtfjapan
4:50 PM: "It blew up by mistake :D" ...that was no mistake.
4:51 PM: Now Tatsu administers the smackdown.
4:51 PM: And pop goes the raepdemon.
4:52 PM: ...who had a scary-ass doll with a spider in it... wtf japan '_'
4:52 PM: "I couldn't protect them... ;-;" srsly - this could be a great way to end the show now. But there's 25 more episodes of this.
4:54 PM: Verdict: Frankly, I'm bored with it. The sheer stupidity of the situations presented, and the unlikable cast are big turn-offs.
4:54 PM: Throw in a tone that refuses to really commit to horror, or action, or school mystery and you just have a jumbled, obtuse mess.
4:55 PM: Avoid this unless the sight of Boy George laying waste to Tokyo is REALLY high up on the "Shit I need to see" list.
5:02 PM: By all rights, it's not a terrible show... it' just not very good. :P