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Off to a Good Start - Persona: Trinity Soul, Episode 1 in Tweets
The content of this piece was written during a viewing of the first episode of Persona: Trinity Soul on November 6, 2010. Edits have been made for spelling and grammar, but the rest is completely untouched, and un-edited from its original format.
Stylistically, this feels more like old-school Persona than new-school, and that's fine by me. Also, Jun is apparently a male character. He just looks, talks, and sounds like a girl. Whoops!
4:40 PM:Hi, everyone. It's time for another showblog.
4:41 PM:Today's feature rounds out .@nisamerica week with Persona: Trinity Soul.
4:41 PM:This series is loosely based on Atlus's Persona 3. As someone that wasn't thrilled by the last two games, I expect a degree of mediocrity.
4:41 PM:But enough about that. I'd like to get the basic information out of the way before we get going.
4:41 PM:Directed by Jun Matsumoto (Senko no Night Raid)
4:41 PM:Character Designs by Yuriko Ishii
4:41 PM:Taku Iwasaki (Angel Heart, Black Cat, Gurren Lagann, Witch Hunter Robin)
4:41 PM:Animation Production: A-1 Pictures (Birdy the Mighty: Decode, Kannagi, Valkyria Chronicles)
4:41 PM:Opening Theme: Breakin' Through by Shuhei Kita
4:42 PM:Ending Theme: Suicides Love Story by Nana Kitade
4:42 PM:Now, let's get started. :)
4:43 PM:Opens to a girl... in water? drowning?
4:43 PM:While opera music plays, she points up at the surface. wat
4:43 PM:Shit's goin' down already. They're sending the sub in .
4:44 PM:And out comes a detective? Calls himself Kanzato
4:44 PM:In the sub, they find: a half eaten sammich, equipment, and... no person
4:45 PM:"Please remain outside to preserve the scene T_T" I found our serious one :3
4:45 PM:"Are you there? :o" ...huh? >->
4:45 PM:Opening credits - generic rock is go
4:46 PM:Wonder if we'll see Philemon or Virgil in this...
4:47 PM:Philemon in particular would make me happy :D He was badass.
4:47 PM:And the show's starting with... a guy sitting in a plane?
4:47 PM:"That scared me o_o" Apparently, his neighbor's noticed this is a common tend
4:48 PM:"I was fighting for my life in my dream :D" "The dream where you transform? :o" ...wat
4:48 PM:"I bet you're just tired :D" or crazy
4:48 PM:"Auntie got a boyfriend :D" wat?
4:48 PM:That was a flimsy excuse for a plot
4:49 PM:And the two are waiting at the airport, talking about their supposed ride >_>
4:49 PM:From the sound of things, they're related to the local police chief... or something. Yeah, they'll be waiting a while >_>
4:50 PM:"The three of us are the only family we've got." "A family who doesn't know each other's cellphone numbers :D" Oh snap
4:51 PM:And back to attractive cop man... who's talking about Reverses... or something >_> I dunno
4:51 PM:And "A Latents" which may be important?
4:51 PM:"I finished the autopsy of another Reverse :D" What's a reverse, then? >_>
4:52 PM:...Oh. '_' "They're turned perfectly inside-out like worn and discarded clothes :D" ... ew :|
4:53 PM:"They were only high schoolers D:" So ah... that makes it weirder. Could be cults, perverts, or crazy demons
4:53 PM:Back to the kids... who got stuck walking. Poor kids. :|
4:54 PM:"I remember the house being bigger :D" Everyone does.
4:54 PM:Kanzato likes frogs. Fun fact
4:54 PM:Hah. Kanzato changed the lock on 'em
4:54 PM:"The forest is still here :D" ...kay?
4:54 PM:The sight of a forest in winter... it's as awesome as it is lonesome
4:55 PM:Looks like this bears some memories. They're reminiscing.
4:55 PM:Apparently, the girl has... had? a twin sister. Interesting
4:56 PM:"He was quite protective of you :D" ...OK?
4:56 PM:And now Kanzato's looking up the Reverses... we get glimpse which is creepy '_'
4:56 PM:"CHIEF! EEEEAAAAAGH D:" ...wat?
4:57 PM:Looks like he got maimed... or something
4:58 PM:Talking about Apathy Syndrome now - fun.
4:58 PM:That was correlated to the appearance of shadows in Persona 3, if I remember right
4:59 PM:Shit's gon' get real, it seems.
4:59 PM:And off our intrepid chief goes
4:59 PM:With some bad rock-rap music. -shakes fist- DAMN YOU MEGURO AND YOUR INFLUENCE D:
4:59 PM:And eyecatch.
5:00 PM:Mid-show analysis: So far, I'm digging this. :) It's a much more subdued, more sedate story so far than recent Persona fare.
5:01 PM:It's not overboard on crazy details (yet), and most of the dialogue is well-written.
5:01 PM:The character designs work well, and the animation and landscapes are great.
5:01 PM:Anyway, on with the show.
5:02 PM:Looks like the high schoolers (names: Shin and Jun) are at some restaurant
5:02 PM:And they're debating how to talk to their relative
5:04 PM:Background music has a track from P3 - fun
5:04 PM:And a drunken girl tries to smack her... boyfriend? And leaves, pissed.
5:05 PM:Looks like Shin's got a strong imagination - he's drawing Personas. :o
5:05 PM:And it cuts to a rape. WTF Japan T_T
5:05 PM:While some guy drools and watches.
5:06 PM:...And he's raping her mind? wtf.
5:06 PM:Kanzato's on the chase... and he be wieldin' a Persona
5:06 PM:Have to admit - the persona fight is pretty impressive so far.
5:07 PM:Very well animated, lots of action, and not really superfluous... well, OK. Some overboard stuff...
5:07 PM:Like the giant leap off the building they just took XD
5:08 PM:...What a good cover-up. "I'm out of here T_T" basicaly
5:08 PM:Looks like Jun and Shin came across a fortune teller
5:08 PM:...Virgil?
5:08 PM:"We once met in a Velvet Room :D" yep. Virgil
5:09 PM:And he's wearing a mask.
5:09 PM:THERE'S that long-nosed bastard! :D
5:09 PM:Looks like they fell asleep outside the house. >_> How convenient...
5:09 PM:And Kanzato hid a key... under the frog's hat. D: THAT'S THE LAST PLACE I'D LOOK
5:10 PM:Apparently, Kanzato's the two kids' older brother
5:10 PM:And the combination was the birthdays of Yuki and Shin. Again surprisingly simple >_>
5:11 PM:"You know how to use the bath, right? :D" "if it hasn't changed. :D" "I didn't put a lock on it T_T" Burn! :3
5:11 PM:And Shin's pissed that, well... his brother is serious and stressed, I guess.
5:12 PM:Looks like Shin's making Persona statues now, too >_> And there's one of Virgil. how convenient
5:12 PM:And Jun is staring at a kid's dress? '-'
5:12 PM:I guess we'll find out soon enough.
5:13 PM:And out goes Shin... before Kanzato stops him.
5:13 PM:...Jun has issues... she's talking in plurals. >_>
5:13 PM:And Jun's looking for Virgil, I guess.
5:14 PM:Sound is heard: it's just a drug addict.
5:14 PM:"Are you all ri- :O" Magic rapeman is back!
5:15 PM:And out comes... Persona! Of course it is.
5:15 PM:And the persona killed the magic rapeman. See? Rapists never win :D
5:15 PM:And the rapist seems relieved.
5:15 PM:"It's gone :o" and credits.
5:16 PM:Verdict: I am genuinely enjoying this. I came into it expecting some campy, over-the-top show with a tone like Persona 3's
5:17 PM:But instead, it's more sedate, more intense, and plays heavily off the demonic aspects you saw in the original games.
5:17 PM:I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one.