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Fun, Shibuya Style - Super GALS, Episode 1 Reviewed in Tweets
The content of this piece was written during a viewing of the first episode of Super GALS on November 26, 2010. Edits have been made for spelling and grammar, but the rest is completely untouched, and un-edited from its original format.
A show about vapid, materialistic girls didn't sound too appealing first. This is one of the cases where I'm glad to have been proven wrong.
7:13 PM Good evening, everyone. Welcome to the Black Friday showblog!
7:14 PM To commemorate the day, today's blog is dedicated to the ultimate consumer whores, Ko-Gals!
7:14 PM Tonight's feature is Super GALS!
7:14 PM So, before I begin, I'd like to get the basic info out of the way:
7:14 PM Directed by Tsuneo Kobayashi (Kurokami, Twelve Kingdoms)
7:15 PM Created by Mihona Fujii (Passion Girls, Tokyo Angels)
7:15 PM Music by Hikaru Nanase (Galaxy Angel, Scrapped Princess)
7:15 PM Animated by Studio Pierrot (Fushigi Yuugi, Great Teacher Onizuka, Urusei Yatsura)
7:15 PM Released in the west by Nozomi Entertainment, aka .@animetoday
7:16 PM I've heard good things about this series, so let's find out together!
7:16 PM Show start!
7:16 PM Opening credits - seems like this could be goofy in a Kodocha way already.
7:17 PM Song is energetic, the lyrics are delightfully stupid.
7:18 PM And now we start proper... with a shot of Shibuya... I think :P
7:18 PM "Go out with me :3" creepy guy already starting strong
7:18 PM "You like me, don't you? :3 -goes for kiss-" ...yeah, he's a creep.
7:19 PM Who just got facepursed. O_o
7:19 PM Hah. :D "Gal-speak" segment with an SD ganguro
7:20 PM "Who the hell would fall for a dense guy like you? T_T" Wow... she's brutal
7:20 PM And catfight. One girl against three ganguros! Here comes the death!
7:21 PM Name: Kotobuki Ran - self-proclaimed "World's Greatest Gal." uh, kay? :D
7:21 PM Apparently, she's been starting crap in Shibuya.
7:21 PM Enough to terrify the three ganguro XD
7:22 PM Hah. :D She's getting dragged off by a cop.
7:22 PM Creep got pursesmashed again though.
7:22 PM ...Eyecatch already? O_o -checks timer- ah crap... it's one of those kinds of shows. That could be good or bad.
7:23 PM "Dammit, I'm here to protect the peace of Shibuya T_T" poor cop :( Ran's not even listening.
7:23 PM No wonder - he's her brother. >_> I feel bad for him now.
7:23 PM "It's enough to make me cry D:"
7:23 PM Go figure... her parents were a line of cops... and she's a delinquent. How... expected
7:24 PM And in comes Miyu Yamazaki - "Ran's super-good friend" who "loves Yamato" if this intro card is right...
7:25 PM No wonder - Yamato = Ran's brother's name. >_> And she has the hots alright. Made him lunch
7:25 PM Aw... cute moments are awesome :D
7:26 PM "He's super-cool :3" ...they talk like little kids. >_>
7:26 PM "Have you kissed? :3" "O_o => D:"
7:26 PM Ran seems worldly... in a creepy way.
7:26 PM Eyecatch again. Time: 6:30 >_>
7:26 PM Parapara beats are always fun at least :D
7:27 PM ...Looks like Ran's getting disciplined by her teacher for sleeping. >_> "Mornin', Naka-teach :D" at least she's friendly to him.
7:28 PM He seems pissed. I would be too >_>
7:29 PM Ah, prose to counter dumbass students - I loved teachers like that :D
7:29 PM "Itazura - means Italian Wig :D" ...wat '-' bad pun is bad
7:30 PM And she got a good whack to the head. :D Physical comedy is fun!
7:30 PM Hah... Ran fell asleep mid-chew-out.
7:30 PM And eyecatch again.
7:31 PM "I got a bag from Meisho High :3" ...'kay? >.> I don't get it but it's good I guess.
7:31 PM Ahhh - got it from a hot guy
7:31 PM "He's GL :D" ...is it that hard to say "Good looking"?
7:32 PM Slang lesson from random student - "Incom = Imcomparably" :D
7:32 PM Hah.. Rei wants the bag. XD And she's having a tantrum
7:32 PM And her friends are ashamed...
7:33 PM Gossip time - apparently the class smart girl is into enjou kosai... juicy scandal :D
7:34 PM And back to Ran, who wants that damn bag... She's ranting on the Hachiko statue >_>
7:34 PM Off goes enjou kosai girl :D
7:34 PM So far, this is a very colorful show - I like that.
7:34 PM And Ran caught up with her - name: Hoshino
7:35 PM And Ran cuts to the chase >_> "You doin' enjou kosai?"
7:35 PM ...Apparently, she is.
7:35 PM Ran = shocked.
7:36 PM And Hoshino's offended.
7:36 PM Brief Mid-show analysis: For what it is, this is pretty funny. The jokes are sharp, the writing's pretty good, and the visual humor is great
7:37 PM Where Ran's meeting up with Miya... then jetting off to get a bag from man candy.
7:38 PM Wow... she is gutsy. Trying to bum it off him then steal it... as both Miya and man-candy's friends watch aghast
7:38 PM "Ran's brain is simple after all :D" Amen to that, Miya... amen -_-
7:38 PM And the ganguro are back to kick ass.
7:39 PM Looks like man-candy mistook her for a streetwalker. XD Ice burn!
7:39 PM And Ran's pissed... but she got the bag! :D
7:40 PM Hah. Looks like Man-candy's friend is into her.
7:40 PM Back to worrying about Hoshino's enjou kosai >_>
7:41 PM "This has nothing to do with you D:" Exactly -_-
7:42 PM ... ... ... So she goes on paid dates to have fun? Doesn't it usually end with... ... :-|
7:42 PM And Ran's gloating now. Theft = victory, apparently >_>
7:43 PM Looks like Ran's hunting down Hoshino, with the help of her brother. .. Who is a bit pissed o_o
7:43 PM And Miya to the rescue :D
7:43 PM More ganguro SD lessons
7:43 PM Bike theft GO
7:43 PM "The brakes are broken :O" Observant girl was observant
7:44 PM And she falls right in Man-Candy Rei's lap... figuratively, and Asou the friend's lap literally >_> How convenient
7:44 PM "I'm not a taxi T_T" My words exactly
7:45 PM Damn, Ran's fast O_o chased down Hoshino in no time
7:45 PM "Don't you have any pride? T_T" Clearly not -_- She's gonna sell her body to a guy
7:46 PM Bitchslap! Shit just got real
7:47 PM And Ran of all people is lecturing her... and doing a good job of it o_o go fig
7:47 PM ...Made Hoshino cry. D:
7:48 PM Hah. Hoshino's turning in her money from enjou kosai - Ran's thinking about how much takoyaki that'd get
7:48 PM "You're a smartass :D" "I get that a lot :D" Rei = awesome
7:49 PM Planning fun on a budget - smart
7:49 PM And credits.
7:50 PM Verdict: I can finally see where the appeal to this is.
7:50 PM The show is charming, funny, and at the same time, doesn't delve into absolute stupidity or overwhelming angst.
7:51 PM The characters are great, the animation is fantastic, and everything just seems to work in that "stuck together with duct tape" way.
7:52 PM IE, Logically, it probably shouldn't be, but the show is lots of fun.
7:52 PM I'll be looking forward to the other 51 episodes in this series. :D
7:54 PM Anyway, thanks for joining me tonight! Have a great weekend! :D
Thanks to Nozomi Entertainment for providing a review copy!