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Crazy, in a Good Way: FLCL, Episode 1 in Tweets
The content of this piece was written during a viewing of the first episode of FLCL on February 15, 2011. Edits have been made for spelling and grammar, but the rest is completely untouched, and un-edited from its original format.
Frankly, it's been two weeks since the viewing, and I still don't know what the hell I watched. However, that's definitely a great thing, in this case.
6:42 PM: Good evening, everyone and welcome to a Tuesday a showblog.
6:43 PM: Tonight, I'll be covering a newly released blast from the past, and a modern-day classic.
6:43 PM: This installment's feature is FLCL, which just hit DVD and Blu-Ray today, courtesy of .@funimation
6:43 PM: This was one of those "lost to the aether" titles from a while ago, that vanished when Synch Point went under.
6:43 PM: The series gained quick fame for its high production values, and amazing soundtrack by The Pillows, and remains fairly popular even today.
6:43 PM: Now, it's been re-released so that procrastinators (like me) can finally enjoy it! ... Don't judge me. >_>
6:43 PM: Anyway, before we begin, I'll get the usual formalities out of the way.
6:44 PM: Directed by Kazuya Tsurumaki (Evangelion 1.0, Gunbuster)
6:44 PM: Music by The Pillows
6:44 PM: Original Concept by Kazuya Tsurumaki
6:44 PM: Original Story by Gainax (Evangelion, Otaku no Video, Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi)
6:44 PM: Character Designs by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (Gunbuster, .hack//SIGN, Evangelion)
6:44 PM: Animation by Gainax and Production I.G (Ghost in the Shell, Eden of the East)
6:44 PM: Opening theme [Ep 1] - One Life
6:44 PM: Ending theme - Ride on Shooting Star
6:45 PM: And without further ado, let's get this thing started.
6:45 PM: Opening to a landscape and kids talking about baseball?
6:45 PM: Yep - baseball
6:46 PM: "What're you doing? :D" "Homework :D" Oh, Tak-kun... you're so hip that you do work outside, LIKE A BOSS
6:46 PM: Hah.. girl's holding the bat wrong
6:47 PM: "Why're you always here? T_T" "That's 'cause... wait.. why was I? o_o" She's a bright one. >_>
6:47 PM: Looks like she likes him... or she's a tease
6:48 PM: She's hitting on him >_> "If I don't do this, I'll overflow" ...uh... o-o
6:48 PM: "Nothing amazing happens here... only the ordinary. :D" ...and that's gonna change, right?
6:49 PM: I have to say it - this is a gorgeous title already.
6:49 PM: And the Vespa-riding icon of the series enters :D
6:49 PM: While Takkun and the girl get beverages >_>
6:49 PM: And she's still hitting on him. >_>
6:50 PM: "Yanno what? T_T My brother in the US, he..." Well? o_o
6:50 PM: O_o Daaaaamn. Takkun got NAILED by that Vespa
6:51 PM: "Stop the Native Girl T_T" She's... interesting o_o
6:51 PM: Hah! The over-the-top expressions are great as the girl laments (potentially) killing poor Takkun. :D
6:52 PM: "I KILLED HIM SO QUICKLY ;-; With a bang... or like a bash... slash?" She's a morbid one indeed.
6:57 PM: Testing
6:57 PM: We live again?
6:57 PM: 'kay then :D where was I?
6:58 PM: All the while, Takkun's friend is snapping photos. XD
6:58 PM: Kiss of life! :D Literally. o_o
6:59 PM: And we get... behind the scenes footage of the cast in the trailer? XD
6:59 PM: And Takkun's back. :D "It's good he's not a Taro... or he'd be dead for sure :D" That's nice... you sound like Doraemon, crazy bitch
7:00 PM: "It's not coming out o_o" I don't want to know T_T
7:00 PM: "He hit his head so please don't move him ;-;" smart thinking
7:01 PM: "Did she put her tongue in? :3" uh.. >_>
7:01 PM: And away she goes... that was fast
7:01 PM: That night :D
7:01 PM: Takkun's got a wang sticking out of his face... or something o_o
7:02 PM: And he can push it in.. >_> Smart move though - hold it down with a bandage
7:02 PM: The hot new gossip? "VESPA ONNA :D" Coincidence... probably not
7:03 PM: "When she stings you if you've done something bad, the mark of the devil will appear o_o" Aw... poor Takkun getting jabbed for his forehead
7:03 PM: "Pervert, you're a pervert! :3" ...That does homework in public
7:04 PM: And he finally decides to go to the hospital... and our psycho's back! :D
7:04 PM: "Did something happen? :3" Love her expressions
7:04 PM: She's so animated compared to the rest of the cast
7:05 PM: Takkun has "FLIctonic KLIpple Waver Syndrome"? O_o FLIKLIWS?
7:05 PM: Ohhh... Furi Kuri. >_> Duh
7:06 PM: "What's under the bandage? :3" O_o Vespa girl wants him DEAD
7:06 PM: "Where'd he go? :O Heeeey :D" Smart kid, to get away >_>
7:06 PM: And eyecatch! :D
7:07 PM: And back - at a closed bakery >_>
7:07 PM: Where Takkun lives or apparently
7:08 PM: And he just hung up on his friend... poor girl
7:08 PM: "I had a dream about my brother :D" ...He's going to become a big part of this, isn't he?
7:08 PM: Kitty! :D
7:09 PM: O_o Jump to black and white hard manga style as Takkun discovers the Vespa woman eating dinner. Jarring indeed!
7:09 PM: "Why are you yelling? T_T" He has his reasons, old man. >_>
7:09 PM: Vespa girl has a name now :D Haruko
7:09 PM: "I got run over, yanno T_T" him too?
7:10 PM: She's apparently a housekeeper now. Fun.
7:10 PM: Hah! Takkun's poor dad beating him senseless. "Who's the slut you're fooling around with?!" Samejima Mamemi - aka his tease of a friend
7:11 PM: "Chichi wo Furi Kuri! :O"
7:11 PM: Takkun's dad is awesome. And apparently a Gundam freak - he's talking about the Gundam Hammer :D
7:12 PM: LOTS of fun puns now
7:12 PM: As we get some awesome manga-mag styled scenes with limited animation. Love how playful they are
7:13 PM: "You're thinking about doing it tonight aren't you? :3" ...wtf.
7:13 PM: Back to normal animation... and Haruko's talking to someone
7:13 PM: ...The cat XD
7:14 PM: "Who are you really? " "just a wandering housekeeper :3" Haruko = win
7:14 PM: This is getting more and more surreal as it goes on... in a good way
7:14 PM: "You're the one I met first. : (" Aww.. she likes him.
7:15 PM: Looks like Takkun's brother is playing baseball in America... and Haruko's being a bitch and a half
7:15 PM: "Haruko-san, are you against having her here? :o" "Do what you want T_T" ":3" uhh
7:16 PM: Looks like Mamimi came by... and she's a poor one.
7:16 PM: Speak of the devil. >_>
7:16 PM: This has some genuinely gorgoeus cinematography in it. Excellent use of color and music
7:17 PM: Looks like Takkun's dad gave Mamimi a lot of bread >_> Poor girl
7:18 PM: Sweet moment as Takkun and Mamimi look over the sea... and.. what the FUCK
7:18 PM: Looks like Mamimi's overflowing... and Takkun's head is bursting? wtf?
7:19 PM: "It's bigger than before! :O" Out comes a giant robot.. wtf
7:20 PM: And it's fighting Mamimi's libido... or... something O_o Giant robot hand, at the very least
7:20 PM: Seriously - this is like a drug trip - an awesome drug trip, but a drug trip.
7:20 PM: And now it's Haruko vs. Robot
7:21 PM: ... ... ... that was fast. o_o
7:21 PM: Aw.. Mamemi passed out, as Takkun struggles under the robot. XD
7:21 PM: "The horn's gone :D" ...for now >_>
7:22 PM: And it's another day in Japan for Takkun, apparently.
7:22 PM: And credits.
7:22 PM: Wow... just wow.
7:23 PM: Saying this now - I feel like a total dick for missing out on this the first time.
7:23 PM: This is absolutely fantastic.
7:24 PM: The animation is great, the music is phenomenal, and the characters are fantastic.
7:25 PM: Seriously - if you're curious, or you missed out the first time, definitely do yourself a favor and check this out!