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Card Captor Sakura, TV Series
This adorably cute little anime has very quickly won its way to being one of my favorite animes of all time. After seeing about 31 episodes of it, I thought it might be time for a review ^_~. The series was made by CLAMP, the creators of Rayearth, X and other great animes. Just by seeing the name CLAMP on anything normally means it's going to be a great series with beautiful art. Card Captor Sakura is no exception.
It all starts out with a cute, young school girl named Sakura. One night she has a mysterious dream of herself in a costume with a little orange flying creature. Thinking it was just a dream, she hurries off to school, still thinking about her dream. After coming home from school, she thinks she hears something in the basement and finds an old book. Being a little curious, she opens the book and strange cards fly everywhere. A small, little, orange creature, like from her dream, then pops out of the book, wanting to know what happened to the cards. After finding out that all but one got away, he turns Sakura into a card captor, telling her she must now gather all the clow cards that got away. Reluctantly, she agrees to find them. Later on in the series she is joined by another card captor and other friends.
The art and animation in this series is just amazing, especially for a TV series. The backgrounds are so beautifully done. It is maybe the best I've seen in an anime TV series. The characters are very well drawn and the character design cannot get any better for such a cute style. I especially liked Kero-chan; he's so cute and makes the perfect side kick. He reminds me a little of Mokona but with more personality ^_^.
While there wasn't a lot of music in this anime, mainly the normal opening and ending song, they were both very well done! Watching the opening song was a lot like watching a very well put together music video and the cute simpleness of the ending was just the best! I think it would be a good sound track to get if you like light hearted music. The cuteness of the songs went very well with the anime.
After watching this, I found out why people like subtitled over dubbed and hate dubs so much. I loved the voices in this anime! They all fit the characters so perfectly, better than just about any other subtitled anime I've seen. I'm almost scared to see what Card Captor Sakura is like after they dub it and change all the names.
Over all, I really liked this anime!!! It's great, everything about it. I really liked the idea of having Sakura in a different costume in almost every other episode. It's so nice not to see the character always wearing the same old thing all the time. The only down side is it might be a little too cute for some anime fans. If you hate cute anime, I wouldn't recommend ever watching it, but other than that it's one of the best shows I've seen.
Distributor: Pioneer Creator: CLAMP Released: 1998
Plot: B+ Character Design: A Animation Quality: B+ Music: B Overall: A-