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Dragon Half
I don't know what made me want to rent this anime--I had never read any thing about it, or seen it before. Maybe it was the cute little dragon girl; I don't know. But, I'm glad I did rent it.
While it didn't have a deep plot, the storyline did fit the anime very well. It was funny and lighthearted, just like the art work. It all starts out with a knight who was sent out to kill a female dragon, but instead fell in love and married her. Mink, their daughter, is the cute, young, sweet, little "dragon half." She seems just like any other teenager: she has friends, loves listening to music, and falls in love with an idol singer who's also a Dragon Slayer. But, when she meets the man of her dreams, all he wants to do is kill her! Once Mink finds out that she can not be with her love because she is half dragon, she and her friend Lufa set out to find a way to make her human. The storyline moves very fast, and Mink goes though a lot in just a little bit of time, but the fast moving storyline helps keep you wanting more.
The art in this anime series was really colorful, which helped add to the light feeling of the anime. The character designer, Masahiro Koyama, did a nice job on the characters, as well. Mink was so cute it's unbelievable, and Mappy (Mink friend's pet mouse) is one of the cutest animal characters in anime. The SD (super deformed) characters also look great. In most anime, when they go from normal to SD it can get a little annoying. However, in Dragon Half, it doesn't seem to be annoying or distracting; instead, it goes with the anime very well. I think it adds to the humor and makes the anime even better.
Overall, the anime is very much worth watching for any one; you don't have to be an anime fan to enjoy it. But, if you don't like super-cute, funny anime, you will not like it at all. The thing that I didn't like about this was that they only made two episodes, so it just leaves you without knowing what happened to Mink and her friends. Even with no real ending, though, it's still great anime.
Distributor: ADV Creator: Victor Entertainment Released: 1995
Plot: B- Character Design: A+ Animation Quality: B+ Music: A Overall: A