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Golden Boy
You don't get much funnier than Goldenboy. It is not a very well known series but those that do know of it absolutely love it. All six episodes are now available in dubbed format from ADV films. Goldenboy is a hilarious ride from beginning to end that will have you laughing your ass off unless you're a total prude...and you know who you are. There is some mild nudity and plenty of sexual innuendo but it is not, I repeat not, hentai (pornography). In fact, some scenes have been censored due to an ancient Japanese law that forbids the showing of male or female genitalia in any public forum. While we don't have the same laws, the tapes from ADV are also censored because the original tapes are censored. All it entails are a few scenes where a mosaic effect is placed over certain, uh, areas.
The Goldenboy is Kintaro Oe, a wandering Japanese student who rides his bike from job to job across Japan. He completed all his college courses but didn't receive his degree, choosing to study life up close and personal. Each episode takes him to a new challenge be it learning computer programming, politics or how to make damn good sushi. But Kintaro learns the most important lessons from the beautiful women he meets in each episode and falls in love with. The situations he gets into are hilarious and his constant buffoonery and obsession with the opposite sex always get him in trouble.
While many would consider the stories to be a wet dream for the male ego, they really aren’t. Well, not completely. They do go a bit over the top, which adds to the humor but Kintaro’s main goal is to learn about life and love, not just to get laid. He sometimes comes off as an extreme pervert, especially when he starts in on the toilet worshipping, but he surprises you with his insight in the end. Most, if not all, of the female characters are stereotyped but at least they aren’t bimbos. They are usually intelligent and sometimes manipulative, but Kintaro always wins them in the end. Again, a boost for the male ego but Kintaro wins them with brains and charm, not strength and underhandedness. He is to be admired...I think.
The animation is very good for a television series but they sometimes rely on still frames too much. I know they can’t animate everything for a television series but a little movement in every scene helps. The cell art quality and design is very good and helps enhance the humor when Kintaro makes a mistake and his eyes bulge while sweat pours off of him, or when he sees a beautiful girl and he starts salivating like a Pavlov experiment gone horribly wrong. Oh, did I mention the gorgeous anime ladies that inhabit every episode. That is definitely a plus in my opinion. God, I love c-base!
The dub is one of the best I’ve ever heard, at least as far as the main star is concerned. The actor who performs the role of Kintaro is almost perfect at being the serious genius student as well as the over-the-top pervert. He has excellent timing and delivers the lines with real emotion. In the hands of someone that didn’t understand the character or with no comic timing it could have really ruined the series. ADV lucked out in finding a guy that really captures the character and knows how to deliver a joke. I haven’t heard the original Japanese actor so I can’t compare the two, but you really aren’t missing out on anything if you get the dubbed version.
Goldenboy is a funny, sexy and lighthearted series. Some women and even some men may be offended by a few of the episodes but there is really nothing so horrible in there to make someone angry enough to protest. Goldenboy showcases the opposite spectrum of anime from the serious dramas like Evangelion or light comedies like Tenchi. It’s a blast to watch and never disappoints. I just wish there were more episodes coming out than the six we already have. All hail Kintaro Oe and watch out for that patented KOGURE CORKSCREW KISS!!! This is so educational... ;)
Distributor: ADV Creator: Tatsuya Egawa Released: 1995
Plot: B Character Design: A- Animation Quality: C+ Music: C Overall: B