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Knight Hunters (Weiss Kreuz), Volume 3
The third volume of Weiss Kreuz, or Knight Hunters here in the states, is a significant improvement over the first two discs in both pacing and plot. The level of melodrama is high, so if you can stomach some soap opera writing, it is pretty enjoyable fare.
Once again there are a nice five episodes on the disc, giving plenty of content for the price.The first episode continues from the last volume with the relationship between Omi and the young girl Ouka growing at a quick pace. As well, Aya is still reeling from the fact that Omi is the son of his hated enemy, Takatori. This episode also has one of the most wrong kisses since Luke and Leia lit it up in Star Wars.
The next episode, things take a very dark turn. Takitori's assassin group, Schwarz, begins playing with Weiss, leading to a massive tragedy for both sides. Not only that, but Weiss is being blamed for terrorist acts all around Tokyo. The third episode has all sorts of secrets being revealed and Weiss seemingly falling apart as Aya sets out on his own. The rest of Weiss is under attack by Takitori's special forces with Takitori ascending to the position of prime minister.
The last two episodes deal with the finally reunited Weiss taking a final shot at destroying their enemy. The team will take another major loss as more secrets are revealed, and another threat is hinted at.
Each of these episodes moves the plot forward and moves away from the episodic feel of the first volumes. This simple change in narrative form does wonders for the story. The action is constantly moving, and there is less time for stupid posing. There are far less stupid plot contrivances. Actually, there is only one major idiotic moment; an enemy running for his life suddenly, miraculously, has a sword in his hand to duel Aya. Not too many people walk around wearing concealed katanas.
The animation is at about the same level as the previous episodes, but with less of the periodic quality drops. Several earlier episodes seemed to have budget issues where animation would be reused or still cels would be filmed. None of that is in these episodes, fortunately. The colors are still not as vivid as some of the other more recent shows.
The sound still shines, since this is all about the voice actors anyway.
The extras are similar as well. There is another round of seiyuu interviews with the Weiss actors chatting amiably about music and part-time jobs. Outtakes, line art, and profiles of the American voice actors are also included.
Overall, the series got a lot more fun and exciting with this volume. There are hints of better things to come with the return of Schrient next disc. This marks the end of the first story arc, so things will spin off in another direction in the coming episodes.
Hopefully the second arc will follow in the footsteps of the last few episodes and not the earlier ones. In any case, if you were sticking it out with Weiss, your pain has finally paid off with totally solid disc of entertainment. If you already liked Knight Hunters, you're in for a treat with volume 3.
Video Quality: B Audio Quality: B+ Presentation: B+ Content: B+ Overall: B+