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Please Teacher!, Volume 4: Hello Again
Entering the final quarter, Mizuho, Kei and the rest of the Please Teacher gather to give the series the farewell it deserves. Over the course of the final three episodes, the series gains much-needed closure. On the same token, Please Teacher never loses the charm or characterization that has made the series so enjoyable to begin with.
The final volume of Please Teacher brings a much-needed release to the tensions that built up in the previous installment. The first two episodes bring the saga to a fitting close as they fill many of the plot holes that prevailed through the series. The show's humor is put on the back burner to deliver a finale that is both touching and melancholy. The third episode on the disc can actually be seen as an epilogue, since it is really an OVA that takes place after the regular series. Being an OVA, the final episode is not restrained to the strict broadcast standards and therefore has a higher amount of sexual innuendo. The episode itself is humorous and returns to the pace of the first two volumes.
Please Teacher manages to please the senses for a fourth time with this volume. The video transfer is clear, with no cross-coloration or aliasing. Rainbows, artifacts, and macroblocking are nonexistent. The audio quality remains high with clear sound on both tracks and no instances of dropouts of distortion.
Bandai continues to give to its fans more of what they want in this volume of Please Teacher. The menu layout is exactly the same as what has been used in the other three volumes. The first item on the list of extras is the Marie Love Theater: a cute short that highlights the struggles Miruru and Marie experience in their own little quest for love. The Music Clip and Design Gallery both return for a final appearance in this volume, with the music clip revolving around the end theme to episode 13 and the design gallery focusing on the secondary cast. Also on the disc are a commercial and a short preview for episode 13. The packaging features a reversible cover, with a picture of Mizuho in her flight suit on the front cover. The back sees a return of the "notebook" setup that contains a brief description of the disc's contents and a few screens from the show.The other side of the cover features an image of Mizuho and Maho accompanied by the series' Japanese logo. The DVD insert for this volume folds out to another miniature poster of the show's cast.
While it was possible for so much to go wrong with this series, Please Teacher managed to do everything right. A heartwarming tale to the very end, this series belongs in every romantic comedy fan's library.
Video Quality: A Audio Quality: B+ Presentation: A Content: A- Overall: A