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Ai yori Aoshi ~ Enishi, Volume 2: Bond
As time goes on, bonds between people are made, and sometimes broken. However, above all, there is always one bond that will never dissipate. The second volume of Ai Yori Aoshi: Enishi, effectively titled "Bond," shows that, above everything else, love between two people is a tie that will never fade.
After the first volume, it was clear that the characters have grown, but at the same time, they had not changed at all. Over the course of "Bond," the growing relationship between Aoi and Kaoru takes a backseat role to episodes based around the rest of the cast. However, rather than go into the characters' pasts this time around, the creative staff has decided to revolve around present events. The most touching of these episodes is Mayu's, which gives new insight on the otherwise unlikeable character. Also on the disc is the "harem staple" hot springs episode. However, in true Ai Yori Aoshi fashion, the episode becomes more than an excuse for cheap fanservice and uses the situation to further strengthen the already powerful characters.
Technically, the second volume of Enishi proves to be as solid as the six discs released prior. The video is clear, with no apparent signs of aliasing, cross-coloration, or other visual defects. The disc's audio is also clear, with no apparent signs of distortion or audible dropouts on either track.
For this volume, Geneon decided to release a simple, yet fashionable dual release. The limited edition comes with a second trading figure. For this release, Geneon opted for a double-sided cover. The first cover features an image of Chika, Natsuki, Chizuru, and Aoi posing in their bathing suits. The back of the packaging features a series of four screens from the show, a brief description of the disc's contents, and a short summary set in front of a shot of Taeko in her work uniform. The second cover uses an image of Mayu standing next to Aoi, who is wearing a simple kimono. The back of the second cover gives a brief description of the disc's contents, as well as an array of images from the disc. The insert features a chapter list, as well as several shots from each episode. The insert folds open to reveal another fanservice-laden, almost erotic image of Aoi. The back of the insert utilizes a cute image of Tina in her casual attire as she sits in the grass in front of a building at the university.For extras, Geneon appears to have used the strict basics with its inclusion of just a creditless opening and closing.
The second volume of Enishi continues to move the series in the right direction with its focus on characters over flesh. With four episodes left to go, it is going to be hard to say goodbye to the wonderful world that Fumizuki has crafted for his audience. One can only hope that the series will end on the high note it truly deserves.
Distributor: Geneon Creator: Kou Fumizuki/AiAo Project Released: 2004
Video Quality: A- Audio Quality: A- Presentation: B Content: A- Overall: A-