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Mobile Suit Gundam Wing TV Series
The Gundam series has always been around. There have been a countless number (OK, so you could count them if you wanted) of series, from 0079, 0083, 08th MS Team, and F91, to Gundam Wing, the latest to hit America. Though the Gundam series has certainly proven itself through the test of time, Gundam Wing suffers from a few major flaws that keep it from becoming a classic anime series. However, it's got more than enough merits to warrant viewing, maybe even collecting…read on!
The story basically follows the lives of five young men sent to Earth in order to free the space colonies. Through a long series of political disputes, a war has erupted, and now the colonies have dispatched Gundams - advanced war machines that the colonies intend to use to defend their cause. Though the plot is based on this political battle, it really is highlighted by the focus on the five Gundam pilots, who are all developed quite well throughout the series. Each pilot has certain personality traits that are scripted out near perfectly. The arrogance and intensity of Hiro, a Gundam pilot, is so great that the viewers might even find themselves getting ticked off at him! It's this kind of characterization that really helps the series. The characters' personalities and decisions are so human that it can be only a testament to great writing. The political feud between the powers of Earth and the colonies never fails to excite, either. The constant bribery and usual deception involved with politics is brilliantly portrayed throughout the series. The continuous plot development makes it near impossible for someone to enjoy the series if they start watching half way through; this is one that you're going to have to watch from episode one on to enjoy at all. The culmination in "Endless Waltz" is truly worth it. Through the combination of sci-fi robots and locales, intense characterization, and the deep political plot, Gundam Wing does not fail to entertain the mind.
Gundam Wing is aesthetically a gorgeous anime series. The backdrops are well inked and are almost always vivid, detailed landscapes. The characters are unforgettable, not only due to their personality, but their amazing design; through a combination of the usual anime character look and original hairstyles and color schemes, the characters truly stand out. And, of course, the Gundams themselves follow suit - they truly are works of art in design. Creative, aggressive looks leave a lasting impression of each Gundam, and in a way, their design reflects the pilot's. The coloring in Gundam Wing is excellent. Maybe it's just the vibrant colors that really breathe life into the massive Gundams…
Unfortunately the animation is not as impressive as the artwork. Throughout the entire series, there are constant instances of reused animation sequences that really grated on my nerves. Instead of being treated to a new scene during a battle, it would just replay the same scene of a Gundam attack; firing in the same pattern…a sequence I'd seen plenty of times before. In fact, most of the animation is focused on Gundam battle sequences, and that's why it becomes such a problem. Character interaction rarely involves the complexity that a Gundam battle sequence does, thus making it more obvious to the viewer.
The dubbing is a mixed bag. Though the voices are delivered well, and the English voice actors do a good job of emphasizing correct words and such, the voices themselves seemed a tad out of place. For instance, I honestly feel that the Gundam pilots should have been a few years younger. First, the voices they have are quite deep for the most part, with a very mature tone. I do understand that these are capable warriors, but they just seemed a tad out of place (Especially Hiro…I mean, he's 15!). However, one could easily say that some people just have naturally deep voices; and I accept that. I just found it odd to be the case in Gundam Wing. The dubbing job was by no means terrible, but it wasn't exactly the best I've heard. Though I watched a majority of the series in Japanese as well, there is little I can comment on. It sounded good to me, though I still think the Gundam pilot's voice actors were a little off in tone.
The music in Gundam Wing is excellent and, whether you like it or not, unforgettable. From the introduction theme, "Just Communication", which features a pumping bass line that plays with synthesized sound effects and the lovely voice of a female Japanese singer, to the series' closing theme, "White Reflections" (which is along the same lines in composition), the riffs employed are simple and catchy. I constantly found myself humming the music played during the "Previously on Gundam Wing…" section, and the battle themes become very familiar by the end of the series. Though it's not complex, the music employs simple riffs and good instrumentation that will really get the mood of a scene set. That, and the constant use of the same songs will really get them stuck in your head.
I watched the series on DVD, so I'll comment on their content. Other than some other anime trailers and such, the DVD's really were empty. I did like the layout and menus, and I must say the DVD transfer is excellent. The picture is sharp, much more vibrant than the VHS counterparts, and the sound is excellent. I watched the series in Dolby Digital 2.1, which proved to be more than adequate for even the Gundam battles. In Dolby 5.1, it just seemed too muffled from the rear speakers.
Aside from the poor animation, there's not anything else to really complain about in Gundam Wing. It's not a standard setting anime series, but it's certainly one of my favorite Gundam series, and a testament to great art. Casual anime fans should pass this up if they just want to catch an episode or two; it's not meant to be watched that way. It's meant to be seen from beginning to end, including the excellent ending movie, "Endless Waltz". Take a romp through the world of politics and civil war…it'll make you see how both sides think.
Distributor: Bandai Creator: Sunrise Released: 1995
Plot: B+ Character Design: B+ Animation Quality: C Music: A- Overall: B+