Look ma, no hands! Yes, I'm typing with my feet, and boy are my toes tired. Yeah, I know what you're thinking... two updates in nearly six months? Well, to tell the truth... I was kidnapped by cannibals. Yes, cannibals.
On another, more meaningful note, this here section has a name now!
[insert applause here]
Who came up with this silly name, you say? Blame David LaRoss.
We had a hard time deciding actually, with Katja Kasri's nice, plump ideas to choose from as well. So since she took the time to send them in, I'm taking the time to show you lovely people her ideas:
Dream Fragments
The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of
Bag O' Dreams
A big thanks goes out to those two for sending in the suggestions!:P
 Email His Lordship Sushi, Nallopian God of Mail!
Nallopian Archive
Galactic IV: Letter Me Pink
Dearest Nallo,
Howdy! Here is your Friendly Neighborhood Galactic's first letter, and to show his support for Nallo-for-President, $5000 dollars shall be faxed to you shortly.
So how are you Nallo? Being the very best Mailbag Editor Anime Dream has ever had, it must be kinda hard to get girls. Galactic understands your plight, so he has included several large downloads of porn with this e-mail. (No thanks is necessary, but would be appreciated.)
You know, an interesting thing about monkeys, lest you think this e-mail had no point to it... they NEVER, quote, NEVER, clean up after themselves. Sure, they throw around their own feces a great deal, but it never lands where it is socially acceptable to the viewing public. (A stern warning to any of you who strive to own a monkey one day.)
So, how does it feel going from lowly, unknown message board poster to lowly, unknown yet-slightly-higher-in-rank mailbag editor? (Just kidding of course, Galactic is well aware that the position of Mailbag Editor is all-powerful.) You are the true image of cyber rags-to-fame! Be proud! You ARE somebody! God, Galactic remember back when Anime was something we just did between rpg's, food, and bathroom breaks. Now, it's your way of life! Congratulations!
Well, that's it for the first letter to you. (they won't all be this short, beware!) Perhaps the next one will mention more anime in it, be a bit longer, and have a single train of thought... nah, probably not. So long for now, and once again, Congratulations!
--- Galactic
Nallo Responds:
Hey Galactic! Many thanks to the great Galactic. You'd think AD editors aren't popular with the women, and you'd be right! (Well, that's true for mailbag editors.:P) BTW, thanks for the Dean Stockwell stuff, rwaaar.
On the monkey issue, I agree 100%. Those dirty primates and their poop throwing... if you ask me, we should make a really big boat and send those monkeys to a deserted island! (Or you could just sink the boat, either way.:P) Yep, now that I'm a mailbag editor, I'm stronger than anyone... EVER! Mwahaha!
Thanks a ton for the letter Galactic, and keep 'em coming.:P
Robots, Vampires, And Scary Things
Hail, Lord of the Mail Bag!
Forgive this poor minion her lack of ideas for naming thy great domain, but I fear that I have no suggestions. However, I do have questions!! Firstly, the Vampire Hunter D movie. When is it coming out on DVD? On the same note, I heard the Vision of Escaflowne movie's DVD is coming out third quarter of next year. Excited as I am? No...? Why not?? And, on a random note because this letter needs something to make it slightly interesting, what's your take on Cosplay? Enjoy your task, oh mighty Mail God!
---Sir Lady Sketch
Nallo Responds:
(1) I asked the mighty Legey for the info on the first question. The answer be: "Being the slow, lazy bitch that I am, Vampire Hunter: Bloodlust came out on DVD at some point between when you first sent in your question and when it finally got posted... back in December. Gotta love that kinda timing :P" Boy, do underground secret mafia agents know a lot or what?
(2) I've only seen a wee bit of Escaflowne, so I can't really say whether I'm looking forward to it or not.
(3) Cosplay... it scares me. How much you ask? Well...
 Those poor souls...
Tri-Ace Got Nuthin' On Us
Hi, all the site that made star ocean ex is in Japanese (I can't read Japanese) so I couldn't e-mail them, I would just like to say that star ocean EX is the best show I have ever seen! Thank you for your time.
Nick Harman
Nallo Responds:
Uh... we're very proud of our very own anime (we made it ourselves, in my garage!), Star Ocean EX, and we hope everyone enjoys it!
Seriously, yeah.:P You can't spell Tri-Ace without Anime Dr... wait...
Well, another mailbag has come and gone, and a little piece of me died today. You see, a little part of my very soul goes into these things!
Okay, this time I'm going to set a topic. Maybe that'll boost the letter intake. Oh, seems I forgot to put a topic... silly me. The topic is: What anime series do you hate? And remember, this isn't a poll people... give a reason or two for why you hate the series, and send in those letters here.