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Fanboy / CPM Relationship PR

A matter has been brought to my attention that I would like to address publicly to all members of the comic, manga and anime community, be you an insider, a professional or just a fan. It seems that recently people have been wondering as to the relationship between my company, Fanboy Entertainment, and my former place of employment, CPM. The answer is simple: there is no relationship or connection whatsoever. There never has been.

Fanboy Entertainment is MY company, privately owned and operated by myself and my wife, Mutsumi. We have no ties in any way, shape or form to CPM. When I left CPM, all business relationships and ties with that company were severed. Fanboy is its own entity. We are not a division of or related to CPM. Nor will we ever be.

To be honest, I can see where the confusion may stem from. Yes, I used to be editor-in-chief of CPM Manga. And yes, Fanboy is working with many of the same creators you see being published by CPM. But remember, before I began publishing manga at CPM, all they had were color adapations of some of their anime videos like MD Geist, Gall Force and Project A-ko. I brought black and white manga, and all the creators, to CPM.

When I left CPM to start Fanboy, it was only natural for the creators to come with me. I fought to bring Kia Asamiya's manga to CPM. Over the years, he and I became friends. I contacted Tomoko Taniguchi and sought out her manga. Over the years, she and I became friends as well. My dedication and belief in them and their manga built a loyalty that transcended company boundries. Once I left, they wanted to continue working with me. It's as simple as that. In the future, if other creators who I brought to CPM decide to work with Fanboy, I would be honored and welcome them with open arms.

The other point I've seen questioned is that my name still sometimes appears in CPM manga, This is true. However, in comics, work is done months and months in the advance. I translated and adapted most of those titles a long time ago. As a courtesy, Chris Couch still puts my name in the CPM titles I work on. I have since asked this practice be ended.

I bear no ill-will toward CPM. I am still friends with most of the people there. We hang out. We drink together. I still go to the CPM parties. However, I do not do business with them. Fanboy is and always will be Fanboy. I hope this clears things up. Thanks for your support.

Read manga,

The preceding was an excerpt from a press release sent out by Fanboy.
