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"Ellis' writing has a depth that's rare in comic books and a worldview that's grim but oddly tender...(Ellis is) dragging the genre kicking and screaming into the twenty-first century."-Rolling Stone

San Francisco, CA (9/15/00)-In December 2000, manga and English-language comics collide in PULP Vol. 5 #1. PULP: THE MANGA MAGAZINE enters its fifth year with a new column by Warren Ellis (TRANSMETROPOLITAN, THE AUTHORITY, PLANETARY), ROLLING STONE's "Hot Comics Writer".

In his new monthly column, the critically acclaimed English-language comics writer discusses how American and Japanese culture interact through comics. "Western comics were not the same after AKIRA," Ellis says. "It was most Western people's first exposure to post-Tezuka, massively decompressed storytelling. And it was strange to see a Japanese comic, coming as it did from a place that still labored under lots of stereotyping and misconception from abroad, Showing 'us' how to make a comic so utterly contemporaneous."

Ellis' column debuts in PULP Vol. 5 #1, along with a cover article on the American rerelease of Katsuhiro Otomo's AKIRA, as well as our usual lineup of monthly columns and comics: "Nocturnal Transmissions", examining true Japanese crime; "Pulp Cult", retro and cult Japanese film reviews; new movie reviews by film critic Chuck Stephens (VILLAGE VOICE, FILM COMMENT); underground manga news by Chikao Shiratori (GARO); "Vulgarity Drifting Diary", the never-before-translated confessions of a Japanese prostitute; "The Manga Browser"; original illustrations by Japanese artists Happy Ujihashi and Junko Mizuno; and music and book reviews by our regular staff of writers. Plus PULP's lineup of suspenseful, shocking, humorous Japanese comics for a general adult audience: BENKEI IN NEW YORK, BAKUNE YOUNG, DANCE TILL TOMORROW, STRAIN, BANANA FISH, VOYEURS, INC. and SHORT CUTS.

Warren Ellis is the author of dozens of comic books, ranging from his early work for Marvel Comics to recent series for DC and independent publishers. His work ranges from superheroes to science fiction, horror, and other genres, including PLANETARY, STORMWATCH, THE AUTHORITY and TRANSMETROPOLITAN, which has been praised by sources as diverse as SPIN magazine and science-fiction writer Michael Moorcock. Ellis is the recipient of multiple Eisner Awards, and is the genesis of some of the most high-traffic comics sites on the Internet, "" and the Warren Ellis forum ("").

Also coming up in PULP: a new gag manga in January 2001, and a new horror manga in March 2001. PULP Vol. 5 #1 is 184 pages long, b&w, and retails for $5.95 USA/$9.00 CAN.

The preceding was an excerpt from a press release sent out by Viz.
