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Paper Hunter Kazami
It's time for another media spotlight! You could say it's been a while, but you'd be far too kind. I can only hope that this offering was worth the wait for you patient folks. In addition to our standard offering of Nukunuku wallpapers, we cast the spotlight on Ms. Hunter Austin, who graciously gave us some of her time in an interview recently. Also, we have a teaser sound clip for the three of you out there who have never watched an episode of R.O.D the TV (which stars Ms. Austin, as Michelle). Enjoy!
As a compliment to our recent interview, Nukunuku brings us a Hunter Austin picture gallery! Some of these pictures were taken at the interview location (mmm, Starbucks), and some at this year's Anime Expo.
A Hunter Austin (and Friends!) Gallery
R.O.D the TV - Music
Our teaser clip this round is from the first ending theme of R.O.D the TV, titled "Moments in the Sun." The vocals are by Kazami, a promising 19-year-old artist who released her first full album in 2003. With a voice that is both full and sweet, she raises the earthly reggae beat to a higher plain. This sample has been approved by the Surgeon General, so get rid of the ganja stash and breathe this in for a change!
October 2005 Wallpapers