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Welcome to the first incarnation of media spotlight! It's been a long and hard road preparing this section, and to be honest, we still don't know for sure what we want here! But hey, why restrict a media feature to just a few things, when there's a wealth of material to chose from? This section may take on many forms, but its schedule should be stable. Expect to see a new update once every two weeks, give or take. If you have ideas on things we should cover here, let us know! (staff _at_ animedream.com).
I suppose the question many will be asking is: where are all the wallpapers? The answer is: they're being kept in a safe place, and will grace us with their presence in this section, a couple at a time. Why did we decide to do things this way? Well, we're what you call a "low budget" web site, and our mean hosting company charges us more if we have too much traffic, so we had to cut things down a bit. We obviously didn't want Nuku's hard work to be wasted, hence the decision to offer a little bit of wallpaper goodness here.
Our first set of eye-candy for today is straight out of Japan. Saishu Heiki Kanojo (She, the Ultimate Weapon -- Saikano, for short) follows the story of a cute little schoolgirl named Chise and her less than personable boyfriend as they try to start a relationship in the midst of a war. Since Japan loves their limited editions, the video release of the first episode of Saikano got the LE treatment, and came with some very nice goodies. Most notable are the gorgeous artbox, and the figurine of Chise, shown below. Also featured below are the cover art for the DVD and its insert.
Our next pile of goodies is some screenshots from Witch Hunter Robin, a popular new series from Sunrise and Bandai Visual. It follows the story of a girl named Robin who, you guessed it, hunts witches. The term 'witch' is used rather loosely in the show (possibly even in a codename capacity) to mean those with supernatural abilities. Robin is the newest member of STN-J, a special police organization that captures witches and transfers them to the Factory, a place where their powers are kept under control. She captures witches by...setting them on fire. Witch Hunter Robin is currently being released in Japan on DVD, as well as being shown on TV. Among the goodies available are two Original Soundtrack (OST) albums, and a single containing the theme songs "Shell" (OP) and "Half Pain" (ED), performed by artist Bana. We have six screenshots for your enjoyment.