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Laura Bailey Entertains AD
It's hard to explain what it's like to be around Laura Bailey, voice actress and Anime Boston 2009 guest, except to say that she's always entertaining, both in and out of the studio. Her panels should be treated by every convention as a main event, because they always seem to fill up, and crazy things happen. This year, a guy proposed to his girlfriend right there! (His girlfriend *seemed* to say yes, but I didn't hear it.) Other than that, a steady stream of fans waited patiently for their chance to ask her to perform clips of her various roles for their camera phones (which she did), and the rest of us laughed our butts off.
But that wasn't to be the end of Laura time for Mike and Matt at Anime Dream. Jamison at Anime Boston must have suffered a blow to the head (which was not at all our doing), because he scored us more than a half hour of time with Ms. Bailey, at least five minutes of which we used for professional inquiry. The other thirty minutes were spent talking about fun stuff like video games, with the backdrop of Bespa Kumamero's rave going on nearby (dookdookdookdook).
Laura Bailey has quite a few anime voice roles under her belt. On the anime front, she's filled the shoes of Kodocha's Sana Kurata, Negima's Evangeline and Ayaka, and Fullmetal Alchemist's Lust among other personalities. Gamers may recognize her as Street Fighter IV's Chun-Li, Persona 4's Rise, or Bloodrayne's titular Rayne. She's done everything from comedy to drama, and everything in-between.
Be sure to check out her site (linked below) if you'd like more info about what she's worked on. Also linked below is the interview. Enjoy!
(Mike Ferreira contributed to this post.)