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The Anime Dream Ultimate Holiday Leg Warmer
I know what you're thinking: ultimate? Yes, my friends, we at Anime Dream intend to do what the large hadron collider has failed to do: unleash a world destroying torrent of year-end anime posts!
The posts begin with our buddy Mike, who offers a helpful guide of the one anime you should never watch, at Christmas-time or any time! (I wonder how many people know exactly what this title is without looking.)
After the familial and/or religious obligations are satisfied, the real fun begins. Every day from December 26 through December 31, we're going to present you with a list of top anime of the something-something. We're making this up as we go along, but it'll surely include the top anime of the decade in there, somewhere, so be sure to check back every twenty microseconds or so for the full scoop on what kinds of lists of anime you should probably never assemble!
(Waifu not required. There are other ways to keep the legs warm.)