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Music: A Pirate Looks at Goddesses
Lionrampant's at it again. After shaking down some junkies, he learned the location where this week's soundtracks were being held. I am told that he cannot divulge the details of the operation, but it had something to do with tulips and sandpaper. What we don't know should stay that way.
The important thing is that the soundtracks were returned unharmed to their [new] owner, and we have two reviews as a result. Thank the moons (but not the sailors).
Speaking of celestial bodies, our first review hearkens from a show about three Norse goddesses that underwent a painful Japanization. To peruse Lionrampant's secret documentation on the first soundtrack for Ah! My Goddess, click no further than here.
Flash to imagery of the goddesses having a pillow fight. The pillows each prominently display a skull and crossbones.
For lack of a convenient segue, our next review is from a show about...I forgot. We stole all of Lionrampant's notes on this one, and they still tell us nothing. Anyway, to read his summation of the second soundtrack to FLCL, aptly titled King of Pirates (because that makes at least as much sense as anything), search under this.
Thank you, and Goodnight.