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Viz Manga Announcements
Viz recently announced the release of a couple of new manga on tap for the new year. The first announcement deals with a new issue in the highly touted political drama Eagle, while the second covers a new series set in the Gundam Wing universe.
Set to be the second issue released in 2001, issue 13 of Eagle: The Making of an Asian-American President is properly titled "Confession," but is more amusingly titled "The Election Isn't Over Until We Say It's Over!" in Viz's press release. A jab at a certain stubborn Democrat? Nah, couldn't be! We'll hold a vote to be sure though (recounts optional). In this issue, Kenneth Yamaoka's bid for the presidency is threatened by a ghost from his past: a claim of an illegitimate child. Eagle has been well received not only by manga and comic enthusiasts, but by the mainstream press as well, critical acclaim coming from the LA Times back in October. Issue 13 is scheduled to ship February 16th, 2001, and will feature 104 pages of black and white art for $6.95. For further details, click here.
Another February release, the first issue of Gundam Wing: Blind Target will continue the Gundam Wing story where Endless Waltz left off. Peace isn't what it's cracked up to be as Relena and the Gundam pilots are in danger from a group of mysterious would be assassins. Unlike the original Gundam Wing series, which was spawned from the minds of Hajime Yadate and Yoshiyuki Tomino, this manga features Sakura Asagi's writing skill coupled with the artistic talent of Akemi Omoid. This four issue series is set to start February 9th, the first black and white issue being 40 pages long and retailing for $2.95. To read the full press release, click here.