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Server Shake-up
Having had its simple beginnings as an idea for an anime section on RPGFan, the scope of Anime Dream soon expanded such that it was no longer a mere section upon its launch, but rather a site in and of itself - a full-fledged subsidiary of its parent site, RPGFan.
As the vision of what Anime Dream should become continued to grow, the limitations inherent in a subsidiary type relationship soon became apparent, both for Anime Dream and RPGFan. For the site to mature as it should, these limitation needed to be lifted, the most pressing being the move to our own server, complete with the www.animedream.org domain name. The dedicated bandwidth and storage space provided by our new server affords new freedom to Anime Dream to explore several new server intensive avenues, such as the relaunch of the movies section, all the while relieving RPGFan of our server load. This mutually beneficial redefinition of our relationship to RPGFan, blossoming from that of a subsidiary to that of a true sister site, will hopefully see both sites live up to their full potential.
While many changes, like the relaunch of the movies section, are still waiting it the wings, some have already been implemented, as is the case with the new Anime Dream message board. Follow the rules and you stand a good chance of not waking the sleeping message board god - he can be one cranky deity early in the morning, and his wrath is best avoided. All users will need to register their preferred nicks before posting. For those wishing to use both, RPGFan's anime board will still be accessible here.
Another product of Anime Dream's server switch, not to mention the subsequent new projects looming on the horizon, is a growing need for more talented staff. In the coming weeks and months, a hiring campaign will get under way, but until then, the best way to get your name remembered when we do start asking for applications is with some content submissions now. What better way to get your foot in the door than by having a number of reviews already posted! Head on over to the submissions page to find out where to send in that reader material.