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Updated: Anime Expo 2008: Nozomi Entertainment
Correction: We Have No Spell Checker, or Something
We apologize to the head of Nozomi Entertainment, for publishing his name as "Shawn Kleckner," as opposed to "Shawne Kleckner." We hang our heads in shame, but not so long as to forget about our mission to serve the anime community with timely and accurate news!
During the Nozomi Entertainment panel, Shawn Kleckner announced the company's acquisition of Gakuen Alice. Much like other recent Nozomi releases, the title will hit stores in subtitled-only format. The series will be released as a single box set in 2009.
Kleckner also announced that, due to fan demand, Nozomi will release a DVD adaptation of the 1980 film Toward the Terra. Currently, no details on the release have been announced.
The Right Stuf originally released Toward the Terra on subtitled VHS. However, the company never actively pursued a DVD release.