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Reviews: Sci-fi Style
Bahamut and Ryu strike again on the reviews front, this time in a science-fiction themed update. Bahamut starts off with an exploration of a cyberpunk film heavy with Blade Runner influence, namely the movie Armitage III: Polymatrix. Click here to find out his take on how derivative and worth watching the film is. Bahamut then shifts gears to the giant robot genre, reviewing another installment of everyone's favorite action figure advertisement franchise, namely the Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket OVA series. Click here to find out how Ryu feels it measures up against the other installments in the Gundam franchise. Giant robots and cyberpunk still not your style? How about a far-future apocalyptic scenario, where a mad scientist has raised the sea level and forced the remnants of humanity into a fight for survival in the Blue Submarine No. 6 OVA series? To get Ryu's take on this brand of Bandai goodness, click here. Finally, those looking for the "science" in science-fiction should take a look at Ryu's review of Wings of Honneamise, an alternate history style tale of the struggle for space flight. To find out how Ryu feels it measures up to the competition, click here.
Another apology for the lengthy delay since the last reviews posting session. Alas, I was stuck inside the AnachroMatrix, but am happily free to do review updates now to my heart's content. Hopefully the pace of posting will pick up in the near future....